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error to making out put



I want to run gen_be_wrapper.ksh, but I will face with following error:

Beginning CPU time: Wed Feb 28 12:23:32 UTC 2024
Ending CPU time: Wed Feb 28 12:23:34 UTC 2024
Beginning CPU time: Wed Feb 28 12:23:34 UTC 2024
Ending CPU time: Wed Feb 28 12:23:34 UTC 2024
cp: cannot stat ‘/home/unist/naser/_data/WRFDA/var/scripts/working/wrf-arw-gsi_be*’: No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat ‘/home/unist/naser/_data/WRFDA/var/scripts/working/*.dat’: No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat ‘/home/unist/naser/_data/WRFDA/var/scripts/working/fort.*’: No such file or directory

Wed Feb 28 12:23:34 UTC 2024 Finished

and I can not get these two files: & wrf-arw-gsi_be.gov_little_endian

My gen_be_wrapper is as follows:

#! /bin/ksh -aeux
# Script gen_be_wrapper.ksh
# Purpose: Calculates WRF-ARW background error statistics for GSI
# Notice: This code will process aerosols for MOZCART(MOZART-GOCART)

#[1] Define job by overriding default environment variables:
export WRFVAR_DIR=/data/unist/naser/WRFDA
export SCRIPTS_DIR=${WRFVAR_DIR}/var/scripts
export GRAPHICS_DIR=${WRFVAR_DIR}/var/graphics/ncl

export NUM_PROCS=1

export CLEAN=false

export RUN_GEN_BE_GSI_STAGE0=true
export RUN_GEN_BE_GSI_STAGE1=true
export RUN_GEN_BE_GSI_STAGE2=true

export LESS_LEVELS_FROM_TOP=0 # Exclude levels from top for moisture statistics
export LAT_BINS_IN_DEG=0.18 # Lat bins (in deg) for BE stats 27km->0.12 9km->0.04
export DEBUG=0

export START_DATE=2020010100 # the first perturbation valid date 2019123100
export END_DATE=2020010200 # the last perturbation valid date 2020020100
export NUM_WE=89 # 1 point less than stagger points
export NUM_SN=119 # 1 point less than stagger points
export NUM_LEVELS=33 # 1 point less than stagger points
export FC_DIR=/home/unist/naser/_data/output_directory/MOZ/NoDA/18km_1DOM/WRF_01_MOZ_NoDA
export RUN_DIR=/home/unist/naser/_data/WRFDA/var/scripts/gen_be/run_dir

export PROCESS_AERO=true # True if you're generating BE stats for aerosols
export AEROS_TO_PROCESS=" 'BC1','BC2','OC1','OC2','SEAS_1','SEAS_2','SEAS_3','SEAS_4','DUST_1','DUST_2','DUST_3','DUST_4','DUST_5','sulf','P25' " # List of aerosols to process

export DOMAIN=01
export FCST_RANGE1=24 # Longer range forecast time
export FCST_RANGE2=12 # Shorter range time
export INTERVAL=12


Does anybody know why I have this problem?
Thank you