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Error when running unipost.exe through run_unipost


New member
Dear all, I installed and compiled UPPV4.1 via docker singularity however when running run_unipost it gave the following error:

+ rm fort.110 fort.14
+ ln -sf /home/comuser/upp-sistema/comsoftware/upp/UPPV4.1/DOMAINS/parm/wrf_cntrl.parm fort.14
+ [[ ARW == ARW ]]
+ mpirun -np 4 /home/comuser/upp-sistema/comsoftware/upp/UPPV4.1/exec/unipost.exe
+ 1> unipost_d02.01.out 2>& 1
+ [[ ARW == ARW ]]
+ mv WRFPRS01.tm00 WRFPRS_d02.01
mv: cannot stat ‘WRFPRS01.tm00’: No such file or directory
+ [[ ARW == ARW ]]
+ ls -l WRFPRS_d02.01
ls: cannot access WRFPRS_d02.01: No such file or directory
+ err1=2
+ test 2 -ne 0

I looked at the unipost_d02.01.out file and several errors appeared as if the executable file was unable to find some variables present in the WRF output file. These variables are in fact not available. I don't know if that's the problem. Can anyone see what I'm actually doing wrong? I left the following files as attachments: run_unipost, wrf_cntrl.parm, unipost_d02.00.out, run_unipost_error.out. If you need more files, just say so.


  • run_unipost.txt
    17.6 KB · Views: 5
  • wrf_cntrl.parm.txt
    30.3 KB · Views: 3
  • unipost_d02.00.out.txt
    404.6 KB · Views: 5
  • run_unipost_error.out.txt
    10.1 KB · Views: 1
It looks like UPP ran fine from your unipost.out, noting that at the end of the file it states that all grids were processed. It is your run_unipost script that failed and I think it is due to the fact that your start date is incorrect. Try setting your start_date to 2020020800 and then then forecast hours you want processed based off that start date.

Note: If you look in your work dir where UPP runs, you likely have UPP output in that directory. Since the start_date is wrong, it is looking for file WRFPRS01.tm00, but instead it is likely named WRFPRS24.tm00 as the forecast hour in the output filename is taken from the wrfout metadata and not the run script.