hello, thanks for the reply. Actually, I did check for the file and its there. What I did is I reinstalled again the MPAS model and now it's working fine. But the problem which I am facing is that after I use metis to create a partition file for 4 MPI tasks I successfully create the file and also further the initial conditions are created, but when I run " mpiexec -n 4 init_atmosphere_model" for creating lbc conditions I get the error as shown in the screenshot. Furthermore when I run with 1 mpi task using info.4 file as just info and running as " mpiexec -n 4 init_atmosphere_model" i don't encounter any error. The error occurs only after using metis. So if it is clarified whether I am doing everything correctly or is my process wrong it will be much appreciated. By the way, I installed metis through the command line "yum install metis".
And ya I will keep in mind, not to share as screenshots.
Anyways thanks.