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EXTCOF55 and TAUAER1, ..., TAUAER4 are not updated in hourly wrfout files

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.


I posted a similar topic under "Running" but I did not get any response and recently I tried with the latest version of V4.1.5 and still got the same problem so I think that there may be a bug in the WRF-Chem code. Basically, I am running WRF-Chem V3.9.1 and V4.1.5 on a Cray machine for a Middle East domain and my chem_opt = 300. The model runs but the optical depth variables, TAUAER1, TAUAER2, TAUAER3, TAUAER4 and the extinction coefficient, EXTCOF55, in the hourly wrfout files do not change after the second hour (i.e., they are always the second-hour value no matter how far the model runs) even though the dust fields (DUST_1-5, PM10, PM2_5_DRY) all change with the simulation time. I tried on NCAR's machine, Cheyenne, and I did not get the same problem so the problem is related to the Cray machine.I am wondering if anyone has any suggestions as to how to solve this problem.

Hi Yongxin,

In Registry/registry.chem - what do the lines say for these variables (i.e., those that start with "state real tauaerX") in the 8th column? Is it "r"? If so, my advice would be to append the "r" with an "h" (i.e., rh) - this will tell the model to write the variable out as history. Note that you will need to do a ./clean -a and recompile after making changes to the registry.

Hi Jordan,

Thank you very much for your reply. In the 8th column for EXTCOF55 it is a "h" and for TAUAERs it is "rh". If there were no "h", then the TAUAER variables would not have been included in the wrfout files. Those variables are output in my wrfout files except that their values don't change at all. The strange thing is that I use the same WRF-Chem code including all the registry files and namelist files on NCAR's SGI supercomputer and on the Cray supercomputer in the Middle East and the values of the TAUAER variables do change with simulation time on the SGI supercomputer but not on the Cray machine.

Hi Yongxin,

Ah yes, wasn't thinking and yes they wouldn't be there without the h.. Hmm, very interesting behavior. Are you using the same configure.wrf as well?
Hi Jordan,

I did not use the same configure.wrf file on NCAR's SGI machine and the Cray machine since the compilers are different. This is a pretty weird thing. I am thinking that maybe there is an if statement or switch that tells the model not to update those variables starting from hour 2. I will keep checking things and will let you know if I find out something. Also please let me know if you have any suggestions.

Hi Yongxin,

Have you figured out this problem? If not, Can you attach your namelist(s), configure.wrf(s), and rsl.out.0000(s)? What do you have for opt_pars_out?

Hi Jordan,

No, I haven't figured out the reason for this problem yet.

Attached please find my configure.wrf (for Version 3.9.1), namelist.input, rsl.error.0000 and rsl.out.0000 files. Please let me know if you need other files as well. My opt_pars_out has been set to 1. I have also compiled and run WRF-Chem Version 4.1.5 and please let me know if you want to take a look at the configure.wrf file for Version 4.1.5 as well. Both versions show the same problem and also somehow Version 4.1.5 is much slower than Version 3.9.1 (for a six-day simulation and using 20 compute nodes, Version 4.1.5 takes 11 hours to complete while Version 3.9.1 takes 6 hours to complete and this is something that I would like to figure out once the issue with the aerosol variables is fixed).



  • configure.wrf
    20.6 KB · Views: 77
  • namelist.input
    5.3 KB · Views: 92
  • rsl.error.0000.txt
    2 MB · Views: 72
  • rsl.out.0000.txt
    1.9 MB · Views: 73
Hi Jordan,

I am wondering if you have had a chance to take a look at the configure.wrf, namelist.input and runtime info files that I posted last time. I tried but I did not solve the problem.

Hi Yongxin,

I've taken a look and don't see anything obvious to me. The fact that it is performing differently on different machines is a little beyond what I understand enough to debug. My advice would be to reach out to an engineer with the Cray machine to see if they could potentially help. I'm sorry I can't be of more help, but will update if I discover something.

Hi Jordan,

Thanks a lot for looking into this. I agree with you that this issue is machine specific. Yes, I will reach out to an engineer with the Cray machine for help.

Thank you again.
