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extract radiation package from MPAS

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.

Hi all,

I am going to extract only radiation package in MPAS and compile it using PGI. So what's the procedure to do so? I realized there are tons of modules called back and forth. I am not sure whether it is possible. Thank you very much.

There isn't really a standard procedure for extracting a single physics scheme from MPAS, and how you approach this would probably depend on how you intend to call the scheme. Do you intend to call the extracted scheme with a set of input fields that have been captured from a full MPAS simulation? Are you interested in just the radiation schemes themselves (e.g., module_ra_rrtmg_lw.F), or are you interested to work with the MPAS-Atmosphere driver code for these schemes as well?

I personally have no experience with this, but there is a tool that has been developed for this purpose called KGEN: . It might be worth giving this a look.
Actually I just want to compile the radiation package (e.g., module_ra_rrtmg_lw.F). I want to extract the radiation package and call it from a simple main code written by us. So that I can compile the radiation package within a simple main code. In this case, the compilation would be very simple and very fast. After that, we will modify the radiation package with openACC and compile it again within the simple main. After all set, we will put the modified radiation package back into MPAS and compile the whole MPAS and run it on GPU.

It seems KGEN is right for me. I will try to use it. Thank you so much for your kind suggestions and professional knowledge!

Thank you,