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gen_be error 127

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.


New member

So I am trying to run gen_be in WRFv4.0. I am following the instructions on:
under: Domain-specific background error options: Running GEN_BE

My issue is that I am getting error 127 after I run gen_be_wrapper.ksh on Run Stage 4 (see attached)

I have no idea what this error means as I cant find an error list.

All my information is the same as in the user guide (attach the wrapper)

I hope someone knows the answer!

All the best,


  • gen_be_error.log
    2.4 KB · Views: 88
  • gen_be_wrapper.log
    4.3 KB · Views: 85
After checking your attachments, I cannot find any useful info to find the reason. My suggestion is that you could check the source code about gen_be to find error 127, and trace back the error.
For some reason, we cannot create be.dat.
No one can figure out why!

I have attached the gen_be_diags.log

I have also checked (i won't add them because of the amount) the gen_be_stage*.log files, none have errors and all completed.

Any ideas?


  • gen_be_diags.log
    360 bytes · Views: 90
1. Please make sure there is space and permission to write to the working directory.
2. Please try adding status='replace' to line 46 of var/gen_be/gen_be_diags.f90
open (ounit, file = trim(filename), form='unformatted', status='replace')
Recompile and rerun the gen_be_diags step.
hi hclin2018

That gives the same results as before.
This has everyone in my department so confused! haha. It should work, but it's just got us stumped.

Thank you,
Sorry, I tried this again, and it half worked, thank you hclin2018!
I am now a little further, I am pretty much sure it's the last possible thing.
When I run my gen_be_wrapper, I get this output at the end:

Run Stage 4: Calculate horizontal covariances (regional lengthscales).
Beginning CPU time: Fri Sep 28 16:05:36 MDT 2018
Ending CPU time: Fri Sep 28 16:06:49 MDT 2018
Ending CPU time: Fri Sep 28 16:06:49 MDT 2018
/home/mgoodliff-wrf/WRF-GSI/WRFDA/var/scripts/gen_be/gen_be_cov3d.ksh[10]: cd: /local/home/mgoodliff-wrf/WRF-GSI/gen_be/gen_be5_cv5/working: [No such file or directory]
/home/mgoodliff-wrf/WRF-GSI/WRFDA/var/scripts/gen_be/gen_be_cov3d.ksh[10]: cd: /local/home/mgoodliff-wrf/WRF-GSI/gen_be/gen_be5_cv5/working: [No such file or directory]
/home/mgoodliff-wrf/WRF-GSI/WRFDA/var/scripts/gen_be/gen_be_cov2d.ksh[10]: cd: /local/home/mgoodliff-wrf/WRF-GSI/gen_be/gen_be5_cv5/working: [No such file or directory]
Run gen_be_cov2d.

Thank you for getting me past that last step! I will let everyone know it's been fixed! haha! :)
Hi everyone,

So, I managed to get it to work.
I still have those errors above about the folder called working, but gen_be_plot.. works.
I had an issue with linking. All the fort files had to be linked to my gen_cv folder, which isn't done automatically.

Thank you for your help!