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Generating mesh using MPAS mesh_tools

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These days I have been wondering how to create my own mesh file. I noticed that, on the MPAS mesh_tools Github page (, there is a section named triangle_jigsaw_to_netcdf. It seems that mesh files can be created via the programs provided. Could anybody tell me is there any possibility to generate mesh files by this utility? Since I could find few documentations about it. By the way, what's the difference between the JIGSAW mesh and the TRIANGLE mesh described in the webpage?

Thanks all.
I believe the MPAS-Ocean, MPAS-Landice, and/or MPAS-Seaice groups may be using the TRIANGLE and JIGSAW-GEO tools for generating meshes. Although I've never used either, I think that JIGSAW can generate spherical and planar meshes, while TRIANGLE can only generate planar meshes. In any case, for MPAS-Atmosphere we use a completely different set of tools for the generation of SCVT meshes. This other software is rather fragile and is not very user friendly, so it isn't yet supported to the wider MPAS community. However, we expect that within about the next six months we'll have a publicly supported mesh generation tool for MPAS-Atmosphere. In the meanwhile, if there's a particular mesh that you have in mind, I may be able to help you to generate that mesh.
Thanks for your detailed explanation! Now I see that generating SCVT meshes for MPAS-A is a really tough piece of work. At present, among the existing meshes ,maybe the 60km--3km one is best suitable for me. However, there are mainly 2 points which make me want to do some customize in order to fulfill my needs better:
(1) The 3km refinement region is not broad enough. Take my current study area for example, it would be better if that region could make a whole coverage of the East China (approximately 100°~127°E, 20°~43°N).
(2) For the purpose of saving computing resources, the resolution of non-refinement region could be coarser, around 92km would be fine.
Since I know little about the algorithms related to the process of generating SCVT meshes, I am not sure whether the 2 points mentioned above is actually feasible. And it may take some time for me to consider the details of the mesh before I make my final decision.

Thank you!
I'm working on similar problems recently, and I'm also wondering if there is any mesh generation tool available for MPAS-A?
Any feedback will be much appreciated!
cgderic said:
I'm working on similar problems recently, and I'm also wondering if there is any mesh generation tool available for MPAS-A?
Any feedback will be much appreciated!
In retrospect, my "six month" estimate for the release of mesh generation software was far too optimistic. Is there a specific mesh that you're interested in generating, or are you looking for the ability to generate a larger set of meshes? Are you interested primarily in quasi-uniform meshes or in variable-resolution meshes?
mgduda said:
cgderic said:
I'm working on similar problems recently, and I'm also wondering if there is any mesh generation tool available for MPAS-A?
Any feedback will be much appreciated!
In retrospect, my "six month" estimate for the release of mesh generation software was far too optimistic. Is there a specific mesh that you're interested in generating, or are you looking for the ability to generate a larger set of meshes? Are you interested primarily in quasi-uniform meshes or in variable-resolution meshes?

Thanks a lot for the quick reply! I'm indeed looking for a tool capable of generating a large set of meshes and I'm interested in variable-resolution meshes. Is JIGSAW used by the MPAS-A team?
mgduda said:
cgderic said:
I'm working on similar problems recently, and I'm also wondering if there is any mesh generation tool available for MPAS-A?
Any feedback will be much appreciated!
In retrospect, my "six month" estimate for the release of mesh generation software was far too optimistic. Is there a specific mesh that you're interested in generating, or are you looking for the ability to generate a larger set of meshes? Are you interested primarily in quasi-uniform meshes or in variable-resolution meshes?

Hello, is there any prevision for a mesh generation software? I am interested in variable resolution meshes, with coarse global grid (140km would be ok) and more dense regional grids - different meshes with an oval shape with the resolution being like 120km-25km, 120km-15km, 120km-12km, 120km-5km, 120km-1km. If I were able to generate those grids, that would be perfect.

Moreover, is there any plans to incorporate the nudging function?
Hi @mgduda,
I'd like to expand the refinement area of the 60-3km mesh to a larger area, just like @dycrisis mentions in his/her point no 1.
Is that something we can do?

I have been using Jigsaw with MPAS-Tools successfully to generate all sorts of variable resolution grids for MPAS. You may check out a script I wrote (based on existing things from MPAS-Tools) that does all the steps in a single run:

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
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