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geogrid.exe : formatted I/O to unit open for unformatted transfers, unit 10 , file namelist.wps

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.


New member
Getting following error while running ./geogrid.exe

forrtl: severe (257): formatted I/O to unit open for unformatted transfers, unit 10, file WPS/namelist.wps
Image PC Routine Line Source 00002B2A6945B1D6 for__io_return Unknown Unknown
geogrid.exe 00000000005BEC71 for_read_seq_nml Unknown Unknown
geogrid.exe 000000000040D36E Unknown Unknown Unknown
geogrid.exe 000000000040BC55 Unknown Unknown Unknown
geogrid.exe 000000000040A5B2 Unknown Unknown Unknown 00002B2A6B511555 __libc_start_main Unknown Unknown
geogrid.exe 000000000040A4A9 Unknown Unknown Unknown

WPS compiled using configure option 19 (Intel Compiler dmpar)

Dependencies Used :
Intel Compiler 2019.5
hdf5 1.12.1
netcdf c-4.8.0-cxx-4.3.1-f-4.5.3
pnetcdf 1.12.2
libpng 1.6.36
jasper 1.900.1
flex 2.6.3

namelist.wps file :
wrf_core = 'ARW',
max_dom = 1,
start_date = '2016-10-06_00:00:00',
end_date = '2016-10-08_00:00:00',
interval_seconds = 21600,

parent_id = 1,
parent_grid_ratio = 1,
i_parent_start = 1,
j_parent_start = 1,
e_we = 91,
e_sn = 100,
geog_data_res = 'default',
dx = 27000,
dy = 27000,
map_proj = 'mercator',
ref_lat = 28.00,
ref_lon = -75.00,
truelat1 = 30.0,
truelat2 = 60.0,
stand_lon = -75.0,
geog_data_path = '/WPS_GEOG',

out_format = 'WPS',
prefix = 'FILE',

fg_name = 'FILE',
I'm not able to reproduce the issue locally with the Intel 19.0.5 compilers, which is the closest version that I have access to. Could you try compiling and running the attached test program, which is based on the relevant code for reading the namelist.wps file in the geogrid program? You could initially just try compiling with
ifort namelist_test.f90 -o namelist_test
then run the 'namelist_test' program from within your WPS working directory.

Interestingly, there is a similar sort of error that has been reported in the MPAS-Atmosphere model in this post: .


  • namelist_test.f90
    4 KB · Views: 21