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Grib data give constant value on several time step (Error reading IVGTYP and ISLTYP)


New member
I'm using UPP V-4.1 (unipost frames) to convert WRF 4.2 output to grib2 file. For domain 1 and 2 (9 and 3 km) grib2 successfully created, however for doman 3 (1 km) give me random constant value for several time step but give me normal result on the wrfout file.
I found from the unipost.log there are similarity on error message which are "Error reading IVGTYP" and "Error reading ISLTYP". Another and the unipost.log become very large.

Any help would be appreciated.



  • run_unipost_frames.txt
    15.8 KB · Views: 2
  • sample_grep_error.txt
    26.9 KB · Views: 3
  • namelist.input.txt
    4.6 KB · Views: 3
I cannot see an issue from the files you provided. You say the log file is very large, but it is helpful to see the full log file or at least up to where you first start seeing errors. Can you check that the start date is correct for the 3rd domain? Although from the WRF namelist you provided, it looks to be the same started date for all domains. Perhaps send an ncdump of a d03 wrfout and a more complete UPP logfile may provide me more info.