Scheduled Downtime
On Friday 21 April 2023 @ 5pm MT, this website will be down for maintenance and expected to return online the morning of 24 April 2023 at the latest

grid%tsk unreasonable

@akash.pathaikara I did it as follows:
1. Make sure the path to GEOG files is correct eg: /home/user/WPS_GEOG/ (Sometimes path starting with ~/WPS_GEOG/ won't work )
2. Re-run geogrid.exe, ungrib.exe and metgrid.exe
but the same error is here.
@akash.pathaikara I did it as follows:
1. Make sure the path to GEOG files is correct eg: /home/user/WPS_GEOG/ (Sometimes path starting with ~/WPS_GEOG/ won't work )
2. Re-run geogrid.exe, ungrib.exe and metgrid.exe
but the same error is here.
Hi there,
Did you check these ?
1. geo_em files show unreliable values for LANDMASK, SKINTEMP , SOILTEMP, HGT_M and ALBEDO12M variables.
2. It will reflect to met_em files also.
3. So real.exe cant read these inputs from met_em files, if you are using sf_surface_physics =2, 3, 4, or 5 (LSM)
Please check LANDMASK, SKINTEMP , SOILTEMP, HGT_M and ALBEDO12M in geo_em and met_em files. If it isn't the error must be related to geo data you have given.
Thank you.
float LANDMASK(Time, south_north, west_east) ;
LANDMASK:FieldType = 104 ;
LANDMASK:MemoryOrder = "XY " ;
LANDMASK:units = "none" ;
LANDMASK:description = "Landmask : 1=land, 0=water" ;
LANDMASK:stagger = "M" ;
LANDMASK:sr_x = 1 ;
LANDMASK:sr_y = 1 ;
float SOILTEMP(Time, south_north, west_east) ;
SOILTEMP:FieldType = 104 ;
SOILTEMP:MemoryOrder = "XY " ;
SOILTEMP:units = "Kelvin" ;
SOILTEMP:description = "Annual mean deep soil temperature" ;
SOILTEMP:stagger = "M" ;
SOILTEMP:sr_x = 1 ;
SOILTEMP:sr_y = 1 ;
float HGT_M(Time, south_north, west_east) ;
HGT_M:FieldType = 104 ;
HGT_M:MemoryOrder = "XY " ;
HGT_M:units = "meters MSL" ;
HGT_M:description = "GMTED2010 30-arc-second topography height" ;
HGT_M:stagger = "M" ;
HGT_M:sr_x = 1 ;
HGT_M:sr_y = 1 ;
float ALBEDO12M(Time, month, south_north, west_east) ;
ALBEDO12M:FieldType = 104 ;
ALBEDO12M:MemoryOrder = "XYZ" ;
ALBEDO12M:units = "percent" ;
ALBEDO12M:description = "Monthly MODIS surface albedo" ;
ALBEDO12M:stagger = "M" ;
ALBEDO12M:sr_x = 1 ;
ALBEDO12M:sr_y = 1 ;

There is no SKINTEMP variable.
GFS d084001
Last edited:
5-wave geopotential height
MSLP (Eta model reduction)
Absolute vorticity
Ozone mixing ratio
Percent frozen precipitation
Apparent temperature
Planetary boundary layer height
Best (4 layer) lifted index
Plant canopy surface water
Categorical freezing rain (yes=1; no=0)
Potential evaporation rate
Categorical ice pellets (yes=1; no=0)
Potential temperature
Categorical rain (yes=1; no=0)
Precipitable water
Categorical snow (yes=1; no=0)
Precipitation rate
Clear sky UV-B downward solar flux
Cloud water
Pressure of level from which parcel was lifted
Cloud water mixing ratio
Pressure reduced to MSL
Cloud workfunction
Rain water mixing ratio
Convective available potential energy
Relative humidity
Convective inhibition
Sensible heat flux
Convective precipitation
Snow depth
Convective precipitation rate
Snow water mixing ratio
Derived radar reflectivity
Soil temperature
Dewpoint temperature
Soil type
Downward longwave radiation flux
Specific humidity
Downward shortwave radiation flux
Storm relative helicity
Field capacity
Sunshine duration
Frictional velocity
Surface lifted index
Geopotential height
Surface roughness
Ground heat flux
Total cloud cover
Haines index
Total ozone
High cloud cover
Total precipitation
ICAO standard atmosphere reference height
u-component of storm motion
Ice cover
u-component of wind
Ice growth rate
Upward longwave radiation flux
Ice temperature
Upward shortwave radiation flux
Ice thickness
UV-B downward solar flux
Ice water mixing ratio
v-component of storm motion
Icing severity
v-component of wind
Land cover (0=sea, 1=land)
Land-sea coverage (nearest neighbor) [land=1, sea=0]
Ventilation rate
Latent heat flux
Vertical speed shear
Liquid volumetric soil moisture (non-frozen)
Vertical velocity (geometric)
Low cloud cover
Vertical velocity (pressure)
Maximum temperature
Maximum/Composite radar reflectivity
Volumetric soil moisture content
Medium cloud cover
Water equivalent of accumulated snow depth
Meridional flux of gravity wave stress
Water runoff
Minimum temperature
Wilting point
Momentum flux, u-component
Wind speed (gust)
Momentum flux, v-component

GFS :d084001 ,There is no SKINTEMP parameter. What can I do?
Last edited:
5-wave geopotential height
MSLP (Eta model reduction)
Absolute vorticity
Ozone mixing ratio
Percent frozen precipitation
Apparent temperature
Planetary boundary layer height
Best (4 layer) lifted index
Plant canopy surface water
Categorical freezing rain (yes=1; no=0)
Potential evaporation rate
Categorical ice pellets (yes=1; no=0)
Potential temperature
Categorical rain (yes=1; no=0)
Precipitable water
Categorical snow (yes=1; no=0)
Precipitation rate
Clear sky UV-B downward solar flux
Cloud water
Pressure of level from which parcel was lifted
Cloud water mixing ratio
Pressure reduced to MSL
Cloud workfunction
Rain water mixing ratio
Convective available potential energy
Relative humidity
Convective inhibition
Sensible heat flux
Convective precipitation
Snow depth
Convective precipitation rate
Snow water mixing ratio
Derived radar reflectivity
Soil temperature
Dewpoint temperature
Soil type
Downward longwave radiation flux
Specific humidity
Downward shortwave radiation flux
Storm relative helicity
Field capacity
Sunshine duration
Frictional velocity
Surface lifted index
Geopotential height
Surface roughness
Ground heat flux
Total cloud cover
Haines index
Total ozone
High cloud cover
Total precipitation
ICAO standard atmosphere reference height
u-component of storm motion
Ice cover
u-component of wind
Ice growth rate
Upward longwave radiation flux
Ice temperature
Upward shortwave radiation flux
Ice thickness
UV-B downward solar flux
Ice water mixing ratio
v-component of storm motion
Icing severity
v-component of wind
Land cover (0=sea, 1=land)
Land-sea coverage (nearest neighbor) [land=1, sea=0]
Ventilation rate
Latent heat flux
Vertical speed shear
Liquid volumetric soil moisture (non-frozen)
Vertical velocity (geometric)
Low cloud cover
Vertical velocity (pressure)
Maximum temperature
Maximum/Composite radar reflectivity
Volumetric soil moisture content
Medium cloud cover
Water equivalent of accumulated snow depth
Meridional flux of gravity wave stress
Water runoff
Minimum temperature
Wilting point
Momentum flux, u-component
Wind speed (gust)
Momentum flux, v-component

GFS :d084001 ,There is no SKINTEMP parameter. What can I do?
Hi there,
Please check all the WPS_GEOG files are there.