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Help with message in rsl files related to photolysis driver

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.


New member
Hi all.

I am running several exercises with the WRF-Chem v4.1.1, verifying the execution log (rsl files), I have observed a recurring message, which is presented just before the "photolysis_driver: called for domain". The message is:

mieaer: radius_wet set to rmax,id,i,j,k,m,rm(m,k),number   1   1   1  33   5  0.5000E-02 0.2158E-01
mieaer: radius_wet set to rmax,id,i,j,k,m,rm(m,k),number   1   1   1  33   6  0.5000E-02 0.4421E-03
mieaer: radius_wet set to rmax,id,i,j,k,m,rm(m,k),number   1   1   1  33   7  0.5000E-02 0.3457E-05
mieaer: radius_wet set to rmax,id,i,j,k,m,rm(m,k),number   1   1   1  33   8  0.5000E-02 0.1023E-07
mieaer: radius_wet set to rmax,id,i,j,k,m,rm(m,k),number   1   2   1  20   5  0.5000E-02 0.3571E-01
mieaer: radius_wet set to rmax,id,i,j,k,m,rm(m,k),number   1   2   1  20   6  0.5000E-02 0.7312E-03
mieaer: radius_wet set to rmax,id,i,j,k,m,rm(m,k),number   1   2   1  20   7  0.5000E-02 0.5714E-05
mieaer: radius_wet set to rmax,id,i,j,k,m,rm(m,k),number   1   2   1  20   8  0.5000E-02 0.1690E-07
mieaer: radius_wet set to rmax,id,i,j,k,m,rm(m,k),number   1   2   1  21   1  0.5000E-02 0.2069E+02
mieaer: radius_wet set to rmax,id,i,j,k,m,rm(m,k),number   1   2   1  21   2  0.5000E-02 0.1411E+02
mieaer: radius_wet set to rmax,id,i,j,k,m,rm(m,k),number   1   2   1  21   3  0.5000E-02 0.4838E+01
mieaer: radius_wet set to rmax,id,i,j,k,m,rm(m,k),number   1   2   1  21   4  0.5000E-02 0.6575E+00
mieaer: radius_wet set to rmax,id,i,j,k,m,rm(m,k),number   1   2   1  21   5  0.5000E-02 0.3489E-01

The emission files are hypothetical and I have generated them manually. The configuration I am using is:

 kemit                                  =       1,
 chem_opt                               =       2,
 chemdt                                 =       0,
 io_style_emissions                     =       2,
 emiss_inpt_opt                         =       1,
 emiss_opt                              =       3,
 chem_in_opt                            =       0,
 phot_opt                               =       1,
  photdt                                =       15,
 gas_drydep_opt                         =       1,
 aer_drydep_opt                         =       1,
 bio_emiss_opt                          =       3,
  bioemdt                               =       15,
  ne_area                               =       210,
 dust_opt                               =       0,
 dmsemis_opt                            =       0,
 seas_opt                               =       0,
 gas_bc_opt                             =       1,
 gas_ic_opt                             =       1,
 aer_bc_opt                             =       1,
 aer_ic_opt                             =       1,
 gaschem_onoff                          =       1,
 aerchem_onoff                          =       1,
 wetscav_onoff                          =       0,
 cldchem_onoff                          =       0,
 vertmix_onoff                          =       1,
 chem_conv_tr                           =       0,
 biomass_burn_opt                       =       0,
 plumerisefire_frq                      =       30,
 aer_ra_feedback                        =       0,
 have_bcs_chem                          =       .false.,
 chemdiag                               =       1,

How should I interpret this message? Is it an instability of the model? In case of a numerical instability, how could it be solved?

Thank you very much for reading the message and the help provided.
I ran into this same error last week. For me, I believe the solution was to stop using the preset physics suites ('tropical' in the namelist below). I simply manually input the namelist parameters for the given physics suite instead and the repeated messages went away.

Hopefully this helps someone in the future!