Has anyone done himawari data assimilation ?
I still have some error on running it. I have himawari data from ptree jaxa and renamed it as L1AHITBR.nc and placed it in working directory, but I got error that said no valid AHI file found from da_read_obs_netcdf4ahi_geocat.inc. So, do you know what I need to do ? or maybe can anyone can explain briefly about steps of himawari radiances data asssmilation on WRFDA.
I am reallly gratefull if someone can answer my question.
here I also attach my namelist.input file
I still have some error on running it. I have himawari data from ptree jaxa and renamed it as L1AHITBR.nc and placed it in working directory, but I got error that said no valid AHI file found from da_read_obs_netcdf4ahi_geocat.inc. So, do you know what I need to do ? or maybe can anyone can explain briefly about steps of himawari radiances data asssmilation on WRFDA.
I am reallly gratefull if someone can answer my question.
here I also attach my namelist.input file