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How to add new pollutant that is out of EDGAR emission in WRF-Chem?


New member
How to add new pollutant that is out of EDGAR emission in WRF-Chem?This pollutant has been included in gas phase chemistry module, we only want to add new emission to WRF-Chem. Thanks !

Two questions:
(1) Are you able to produce wrfchemi_* files with the emission species in them?
(2) Is the chemical species already defined in WRF-Chem (not the emissions, just the species)?

If both are true, the method to add it in WRF-Chem is fairly straightforward:

1) In Registry/registry.chem, add the emission species as it's own line and to the emis_opt you use (e.g., "e_${species}")
2) In chem/module_emissions_anthropgenics.F, add the emissions, e.g., here for SO2
chem(i,k,j,p_so2) = chem(i,k,j,p_so2)+emis_ant(i,k,j,p_e_so2)*conv_rho

If the species is not already defined, you will also need to add it to registry.chem, both as it's own line to describe the species, as well as add it to your chem_opt.


Two questions:
(1) Are you able to produce wrfchemi_* files with the emission species in them?
(2) Is the chemical species already defined in WRF-Chem (not the emissions, just the species)?

If both are true, the method to add it in WRF-Chem is fairly straightforward:

1) In Registry/registry.chem, add the emission species as it's own line and to the emis_opt you use (e.g., "e_${species}")
2) In chem/module_emissions_anthropgenics.F, add the emissions, e.g., here for SO2
chem(i,k,j,p_so2) = chem(i,k,j,p_so2)+emis_ant(i,k,j,p_e_so2)*conv_rho

If the species is not already defined, you will also need to add it to registry.chem, both as it's own line to describe the species, as well as add it to your chem_opt.

I'm a rookie for using WRF-Chem, your response gives me a good direction!Thank you very much!
1)Now, I'm not able to to produce wrfchemi_* files with the emission species in them. This is the key question how to produce wrfchemi_* files. I have tried to use PREP software, and the target pollutant has been calculated with regular pollutants in EDGAR together. However, the target pollutant was not found in wrfchemi_* files after convert.exe running.
2)The target is included in hem/module_emissions_anthropgenics.F file, is that mean to add species directly under corresponding mechanism in this file.

Lookfoward to your reply! Thank you very much again!

Hi -

Which chemical mechanism are you using and what is the target species?

If the species is not in your files after running convert_emis, you can try a few things:

1) Try the ANTHRO_EMIS tool on NCAR's website
2) Try the HEMCO emission preprocessor software
3) Modify the convert_emis.F progam to include the target species, recompile, and run again
4) If the target species can be derived from the other species, you can use a tool like ncks to append the wrfchemi files manually.

Hi -

Which chemical mechanism are you using and what is the target species?

If the species is not in your files after running convert_emis, you can try a few things:

1) Try the ANTHRO_EMIS tool on NCAR's website
2) Try the HEMCO emission preprocessor software
3) Modify the convert_emis.F progam to include the target species, recompile, and run again
4) If the target species can be derived from the other species, you can use a tool like ncks to append the wrfchemi files manually.

Hi, thanks for your suggestion!
I design to use an updated dimethyl sulfide (DMS) emission in Pacific Ocean and plan to use chem_opt32. Now I'm able to produce wrfchemi_* files, but the this specie emission is not included when running wrf-chem. I have revised and re-compile as your previous suggestion:
"1) In Registry/registry.chem, add the emission species as it's own line and to the emis_opt you use (e.g., "e_${species}")
2) In chem/module_emissions_anthropgenics.F, add the emissions, e.g., here for SO2
chem(i,k,j,p_so2) = chem(i,k,j,p_so2)+emis_ant(i,k,j,p_e_so2)*conv_rho"
the re-compile was error when adding the emission species in Registry/registry.chem
how could I slove this porbelm

Lookfoward to your reply! Thank you very much again!
Hi, Please attach your compile log as well as a "diff $original_file $changed_file"


Hi, thanks for your suggestion!
I have checked the 'registry.chem' and found "e_dms" were contained in original file. Now, I revised the emi_opt==4 with adding the e_dms and re-compiled successfully..However, the DMS emission data is still not available when runing model. Could I need to modify other files?

package ecbmz_mosaic emiss_opt==4 - emis_ant:e_iso,e_so2,e_no,e_co,e_eth,e_hc3,e_hc5,e_hc8,e_xyl,e_ol2,e_olt,e_oli,e_tol,e_csl,e_hcho,e_ald,e_ket,e_ora2,e_nh3,e_no2,e_ch3oh,e_c2h5oh,e_pm25i,e_pm25j,e_eci,e_ecj,e_orgi,e_orgj,e_so4i,e_so4j,e_no3i,e_no3j,e_so4c,e_no3c,e_orgc,e_ecc,e_dms

package cbmz_mosaic_dms_4bin_aq chem_opt==32 - chem:so2,sulf,no2,no,o3,hno3,h2o2,ald,hcho,op1,op2,ora1,ora2,nh3,n2o5,no3,pan,eth,co,ol2,olt,oli,tol,xyl,hono,hno4,ket,mgly,onit,csl,iso,ho,ho2,hcl,ch3o2,ethp,ch3oh,c2h5oh,par,to2,cro,open,op3,c2o3,ro2,ano2,nap,xo2,xpar,isoprd,isopp,isopn,isopo2,dms,msa,dmso,dmso2,ch3so2h,ch3sch2oo,ch3so2,ch3so3,ch3so2oo,ch3so2ch2oo,mtf,so4_a01,no3_a01,cl_a01,nh4_a01,na_a01,oin_a01,oc_a01,bc_a01,hysw_a01,water_a01,num_a01,so4_a02,no3_a02,cl_a02,nh4_a02,na_a02,oin_a02,oc_a02,bc_a02,hysw_a02,water_a02,num_a02,so4_a03,no3_a03,cl_a03,nh4_a03,na_a03,oin_a03,oc_a03,bc_a03,hysw_a03,water_a03,num_a03,so4_a04,no3_a04,cl_a04,nh4_a04,na_a04,oin_a04,oc_a04,bc_a04,hysw_a04,water_a04,num_a04,ca_a01,ca_a02,ca_a03,ca_a04,co3_a01,co3_a02,co3_a03,co3_a04,msa_a01,msa_a02,msa_a03,msa_a04,so4_cw01,no3_cw01,cl_cw01,nh4_cw01,na_cw01,oin_cw01,oc_cw01,bc_cw01,num_cw01,so4_cw02,no3_cw02,cl_cw02,nh4_cw02,na_cw02,oin_cw02,oc_cw02,bc_cw02,num_cw02,so4_cw03,no3_cw03,cl_cw03,nh4_cw03,na_cw03,oin_cw03,oc_cw03,bc_cw03,num_cw03,so4_cw04,no3_cw04,cl_cw04,nh4_cw04,na_cw04,oin_cw04,oc_cw04,bc_cw04,num_cw04,ca_cw01,ca_cw02,ca_cw03,ca_cw04,co3_cw01,co3_cw02,co3_cw03,co3_cw04,msa_cw01,msa_cw02,msa_cw03,msa_cw04

Lookfoward to your reply! Thank you very much again!


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