I want to parallelize a code part that is inserted into “module_initialize_real.F” by me. The inserted part is as follows:
OPEN (61,FILE='aron_2001030100_d3.txt',STATUS='OLD')
do j=jts,jde-1
do i=its, ide-1
read (61,*) iii,jjj,grid%aron(i,kts,j)
close (61)
Also, aerosol file “aron_2001030100_d3.txt” is structured as follows.
1 1 500.00000
2 1 500.00000
3 1 500.00000
4 1 500.00000
3347 2281 500.00000
3348 2281 500.00000
3349 2281 500.00000
3350 2281 500.00000
3351 2281 500.00000
3352 2281 500.00000
The code inserted by me is designed to work with only one cpu and the code works well with one cpu. When multiple cpus are used, the code does not work the way it is supposed to do, since the code has not been developed for the parallel computation. Could you let me know how to modify the code in a way to make it work with multiple cpus?
Thanks for your kind attention and hope to hear from you.
I want to parallelize a code part that is inserted into “module_initialize_real.F” by me. The inserted part is as follows:
OPEN (61,FILE='aron_2001030100_d3.txt',STATUS='OLD')
do j=jts,jde-1
do i=its, ide-1
read (61,*) iii,jjj,grid%aron(i,kts,j)
close (61)
Also, aerosol file “aron_2001030100_d3.txt” is structured as follows.
1 1 500.00000
2 1 500.00000
3 1 500.00000
4 1 500.00000
3347 2281 500.00000
3348 2281 500.00000
3349 2281 500.00000
3350 2281 500.00000
3351 2281 500.00000
3352 2281 500.00000
The code inserted by me is designed to work with only one cpu and the code works well with one cpu. When multiple cpus are used, the code does not work the way it is supposed to do, since the code has not been developed for the parallel computation. Could you let me know how to modify the code in a way to make it work with multiple cpus?
Thanks for your kind attention and hope to hear from you.