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how to set a treshold value for radar data assimilation?

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.


Dear Colleges,

Is it possible to set a threshold value, above which the WRFDA will perform radar reflectivity assimilation?
Could it be done through the namelist parameters?

although I have not used it yet, I believe that in the namelist.input section of version 4.1 you will find the answer.

radar_non_precip_opt= 1,
radar_non_precip_rf = -999.99,
radar_non_precip_rh_w = 95.0,
radar_non_precip_rh_i = 85.0,
cloudbase_calc_opt = 1,
radar_saturated_rf = 25.0,
radar_rqv_thresh1= 40.0,
radar_rqv_thresh2= 50.0,
radar_rqv_rh1= 95.0,
radar_rqv_rh2= 85.0,
radar_rqv_h_lbound= -999.0,
radar_rqv_h_ubound= -999.0,

ciao Luca