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I requested categorical precipitation type in my parameter file, but they show as zero-filled in my UPP output.

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Staff member
I requested categorical precipitation type in my parameter file. Why do they show as zero-filled in my UPP output?
Instantaneous precip type requires two fields, RAINCV and RAINNCV, that are not output by default in the WRF model. You will need to modify the WRF Registry.EM_COMMON file to turn on the history for these fields and then rerun the model.

For the GSD precipitation type method, the required variables include PREC_ACC_C, PREC_ACC_NC, SNOW_ACC_NC, GRAUP_ACC_NC, SNOWNC, AND GRAUPELNC. You will need to turn on the history for these variables in the Registry.EM_COMMON before running the WRF model in order to have them in your WRF output.