I have some questions with Vtable.
I had seen that some people use ECMWF Vtable. But, in my case I use Vtable.ERA-interim_pl
Which is correct to use ECMWF Vtable or Vtable.ERA-interim_pl?
I followed this recommendation for use Vtable.ERA-interim_pl when I use era5
WRF - Free Data
Which files static, surface, and pressure level from ERA5 recommend to initialize the model?
I will use these variables of era5 for initiliaze the model. What do you think about it?
1) Pressure level variable
- Geopotential
- Temperature
-U velocity
- V velocity
-Relative humidity
2) surface level variable
Sea surface temperature
Volumetric soil water layer 1
Volumetric soil water layer 2
Volumetric soil water layer 3
Volumetric soil water layer 1
Surface pressure
Soil temperature level 1
Mean sea level pressure
10 metre U wind component
10 metre V wind component
2 metre temperature
2 metre dewpoint temperature
Soil temperature level 2
Soil temperature level 3
Skin temperature
Soil temperature level 4
3) Static variable
Lake cover
Low vegetation cover
High vegetation cover
Soil type
Standard deviation of filtered subgrid orography
Standard deviation of orography
Anisotropy of sub-gridscale orography
Angle of sub-gridscale orography
Slope of sub-gridscale orography
Land-sea mask