I have submitted a job in serial to create a static file using 3km uniform mesh, however, it's taking a bit longer time whereas for 240km it takes short time.
I ran with another uniform mesh grid it creates a static file without an error. However, for 3km it is taking a long time.
My issue is the logout file is just showing up this status
Using default double-precision reals
Reading namelist from file namelist.init_atmosphere
Reading streams configuration from file streams.init_atmosphere
Found mesh stream with filename template x1.65536002.grid.nc
Using default io_type for mesh stream
** Attempting to bootstrap MPAS framework using stream: input
Bootstrapping framework with mesh fields from input file 'x1.65536002.grid.nc'
Is it usual that it is taking a long time or should I submit in parallel?
can you kindly suggest this?
I ran with another uniform mesh grid it creates a static file without an error. However, for 3km it is taking a long time.
My issue is the logout file is just showing up this status
Using default double-precision reals
Reading namelist from file namelist.init_atmosphere
Reading streams configuration from file streams.init_atmosphere
Found mesh stream with filename template x1.65536002.grid.nc
Using default io_type for mesh stream
** Attempting to bootstrap MPAS framework using stream: input
Bootstrapping framework with mesh fields from input file 'x1.65536002.grid.nc'
Is it usual that it is taking a long time or should I submit in parallel?
can you kindly suggest this?