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Issue with PM concentrations and temperature at 2m over land

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.


New member
Dear all,

I 've been using WRF-Chem for many years and I recently moved to version 4.2.1 since I want to setup an operational air quality forecasting system. From my test simulations though, I noticed that PM concentrations decrease abrublty over land. Abrubt changes are also shown on 2m temperature (see attached images). This happens in all of my three domains. Did any of you faced the same issue? Any idea why this may be happening?

Thank you for your time,



This topic was originally posting in the Running section of the MPAS Forum, so it has been moved here.
Hi George,

To start, can you provide your namelist and rsl.out/error.0000? Have you used this chemical mechanism or the physics packages previously?

jordanschnell said:
Hi George,

To start, can you provide your namelist and rsl.out/error.0000? Have you used this chemical mechanism or the physics packages previously?


Hi and thank you for the reply. You can find the rsl.error file in the attachements.

I am running with chem_opt 108 (RACM-MADE-SORGAM with VBS) and this is the one I 've been using in the older versions (from 3.6.1 to without any issues. A colleague had also the same issue using MOZART-MOSAIC.


  • rsl.error.0000.txt
    2.4 MB · Views: 41
Hi George,

Nothing stands out in your rsl.error, but it helps to know similar issues were occurring in another mechanism. The file also looks to be from a previous simulation compared to your figures though. Does this occur in the very beginning of a run? And it looks like the simulation in the rsl error is a restart simulation - does the problem occur immediately?

Can you provide your namelist? When using MOZART-MOSAIC, did your colleague use the same model version and physics packages?

If possible, run a quick simulation with the debug level increased
