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KPP compiling failure and error


New member
i have been trying to compile kpp with chem and i failed the compilations each time. whenever i compile the wrf with chem and without Kpp , it compiles without any problem but once i choose the Kpp option it gives me this error that i dont understand how can i fix. i hope you guys would help me and i appreciate it a lot.


  • compile_kpp.log
    305.5 KB · Views: 18
  • compile_wrf.log
    1.4 MB · Views: 13
What version of linux are you using?
Is the system 32 or 64 bit?
it is Linux mint 19.3 cinnamon(64bit).

okay. Can you check this command for me and let me know which version of gcc you are using. I think I know what the problem is.

/usr/bin/gcc -dumpfullversion

Also make sure that the variables and exports required for WRFCHEM w/ KPP are set to this. (this is from my environment you will have to adjust it to fit yours)

ulimit -s unlimited
export WRF_EM_CORE=1
export WRF_NMM_CORE=0
export WRF_CHEM=1
export WRF_KPP=1
export YACC='/usr/bin/yacc -d'
export FLEX=/usr/bin/flex
export FLEX_LIB_DIR=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
export KPP_HOME=$WRFCHEM_FOLDER/WRFV4.4.1/chem/KPP/kpp/kpp-2.1
export PATH=$KPP_HOME/bin:$PATH
export SED=/usr/bin/sed
i am not quiet sure if it is a problem with the flex library or YACC or maybe i need to install something else but i couldnt compile KPP succesfully.
hi again i tried as you said it seems there are no errors showing but before the compile is finished i wanted to show you the log file again does it look normal to you?
i am not sure but it gets on a loop and make a lot of those scripts at the end of the log. i just stopped it to show it is compiling correctly.


  • compile_wrf.log
    3.6 MB · Views: 11

so you know what the exports are from my environment
although it does not show any errors while compiling but it makes very heavy log files of the wrf-compile . i am not sure if it is going alright or not. it would be great if you could have a look to it.
hi again i tried as you said it seems there are no errors showing but before the compile is finished i wanted to show you the log file again does it look normal to you?
i am not sure but it gets on a loop and make a lot of those scripts at the end of the log. i just stopped it to show it is compiling correctly.
Looking at the log it appears that it worked.

KPP is a HUGE program to add to wrf and it can take almost an hour to install properly.

I would recommend just letting it run and see at the end if the .exe were created properly.
Looking at the log it appears that it worked.

KPP is a HUGE program to add to wrf and it can take almost an hour to install properly.

I would recommend just letting it run and see at the end if the .exe were created properly.
hi again i tried to compile again this time with Ubuntu 22
unfortunately i could not figure out why it is not compiling the executable . i am still trying but meanwhile i upload the log file if you have any suggestion that would be amazing.


  • compile_wrf.log
    1.8 MB · Views: 5
  • compile_kpp.log
    383.2 KB · Views: 4
hi again i tried to compile again this time with Ubuntu 22
unfortunately i could not figure out why it is not compiling the executable . i am still trying but meanwhile i upload the log file if you have any suggestion that would be amazi

I'm away for the next couple days but maybe @Ming Chen or @kwerner can help.
Hi, It looks like KPP is compiling fine. But maybe there is an issue with the coupling. Also, are you trying to compile KPP manually? KPP is compiled with the top-level compile command as long as the environment varialbe WRF_KPP is set - the user does not need to compile seperately. Two things, can you try using WRF v4.4.1? Try compiling with this command:

./compile em_real > log_comp.txt 2> errors_comp.txt

This will hopefully give a better indication in the error file.

Please also make sure to perform a "./clean -a" before you compile.

Hi Jordan
thank you for your help
actually i tried your way and then I realized that i didn't set these variables before i compile.
so when i added this

export DIR=/data0/home/hirlam/WRF_TEST/Build_WRF/LIBRARIES
export CC=gcc
export CXX=g++
export FC=gfortran
export FCFLAGS=-m64
export F77=gfortran
export FFLAGS=-m64
export JASPERLIB=/data0/home/hirlam/WRF_TEST/Build_WRF/LIBRARIES/grib2/lib
export JASPERINC=/data0/home/hirlam/WRF_TEST/Build_WRF/LIBRARIES/grib2/include
export LDFLAGS=-L$DIR/grib2/lib
export CPPFLAGS=-I$DIR/grib2/include
export NETCDF=/data0/home/hirlam/WRF_TEST/Build_WRF/LIBRARIES/netcdf
export PATH="/data0/home/hirlam/WRF_TEST/Build_WRF/LIBRARIES/mpich/bin/:$PATH"
then i set other variables necessary for this compilation, i successfully compiled it.