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LH and GRDFLX over vegetated grid cells

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.


New member
Hi all,
I did some experiments varying the use of Urban Canopy Models (nonuse, SLUCM and BEP).
The simulations where sf_urban_physics=0 (nonuse of UCM), the namelist was set with Noah Land Surface Model (option 2) and YSU PBL (option 1).
The simulations where sf_urban_physics=1 or 2 (SLUCM and BEP), the namelist was set with Noah-MP (option 4) and BouLac PBL(option 8).
The aim is calculate the storage heat term (term S) of energy balance: Rnet=HFX+LH+GRDFLX+S (which I followed what I found here in the forum

However, when I calculated term S over vegetated grids, I found significative differences between the experiments, even though the use of SLUCM or BEP over these cells should not influence the magnitude of the fluxes (once the land surface models are responsible for it). The differences (shown in the plot) were addressed mainly to the output variables LH and GRDFLX. This plot is the storage heat, where the grey lines represent the simulations without UCM parameterization, and with Noah Land Surface Model (option 2). The other lines (close to zero) are the simulations with BEP/SLUCM and Noah-MP (option 4). I am trying to find some explanation for that. Can anyone help me? Thank you very much in advance.


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