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We've been running regional MPAS runs; we use the northern hemisphere of the 30 km grid, trimmed with the MPAS-Limited-Area utility (~337k cells), such that the only boundary ends up nearly along the equator. While most runs run fine at a 180s interval, we're running at 150s for additional stability after some crashes, and we've been having some additional crashes even with the lowered timestep. The crashes happen near the boundary around the equator; once over some terrain over Sumatra, Indonesia, and once over some uninteresting patch in the middle of the Atlantic, but both close to the boundary of the domain. Looking at maps, we can see that u at the upper levels (especially the topmost level; which is #55 at 30 km for us) steadily blows up due to some instability. There's some signs of something going wrong approximately 8 hours into the run, they're very evident 13 hours in, and it crashes about 15 hours in (due to a radiation computation issue, likely unrelated). Sometimes u recovers to reasonable values an hour before the crash, but the instability/damage was done. The points where this happens are 2 cells away from the boundaries, suggesting it probably has something to do with them.
We have tried a number of things with the timestep and smoothing along the boundary, to no avail. We have set config_blend_bdy_terrain to true throughout; we tried modifying the blending parameters (nRelaxZone in core_atmosphere/dynamics/mpas_atm_boundaries.F) to 2 and 10 (instead of 5); changing physics to convection_permitting from mesoscale_reference; running more sub_steps; and using config_rayleigh_damp_u to damp the upper level winds; they all lead to crashes around the same time. Anyway, before continuing to debug, looking to see if others have had similar problems with limited area runs, and if so, how you've solved them.
We've been running regional MPAS runs; we use the northern hemisphere of the 30 km grid, trimmed with the MPAS-Limited-Area utility (~337k cells), such that the only boundary ends up nearly along the equator. While most runs run fine at a 180s interval, we're running at 150s for additional stability after some crashes, and we've been having some additional crashes even with the lowered timestep. The crashes happen near the boundary around the equator; once over some terrain over Sumatra, Indonesia, and once over some uninteresting patch in the middle of the Atlantic, but both close to the boundary of the domain. Looking at maps, we can see that u at the upper levels (especially the topmost level; which is #55 at 30 km for us) steadily blows up due to some instability. There's some signs of something going wrong approximately 8 hours into the run, they're very evident 13 hours in, and it crashes about 15 hours in (due to a radiation computation issue, likely unrelated). Sometimes u recovers to reasonable values an hour before the crash, but the instability/damage was done. The points where this happens are 2 cells away from the boundaries, suggesting it probably has something to do with them.
We have tried a number of things with the timestep and smoothing along the boundary, to no avail. We have set config_blend_bdy_terrain to true throughout; we tried modifying the blending parameters (nRelaxZone in core_atmosphere/dynamics/mpas_atm_boundaries.F) to 2 and 10 (instead of 5); changing physics to convection_permitting from mesoscale_reference; running more sub_steps; and using config_rayleigh_damp_u to damp the upper level winds; they all lead to crashes around the same time. Anyway, before continuing to debug, looking to see if others have had similar problems with limited area runs, and if so, how you've solved them.