I downloaded MPAS-Model-8.0, compiled init_atmosphere, generated static, init and sfc_update files. However, after compiling atmosphere_model, I am running into list-directed I/O syntax error (please see out.mpas_run48705 file). I re-compiled the atmosphere_model in debug mode and ran it via 'debg atmosphere_model' (I don't know if running 'dbg atmosphere_model' is the proper way to debug the atmosphere_model. The user documentation and google search don't have that specific information on running MPAS in debug mode.). But I couldn't find the error. Howver, based on the error output message, the model complains about list-directed input/output at line 1552 in src/mpas_timekeeping.F file. While there are changes in MPAS-8.0 compared to previous version 7.3, I don't see how these lines could cause the error. Can you guide me to resolve this error?
Also, just as a side note, extrapolation of temperature that is set in namelist.init_atmosphere appears not yet implemented and atmosphere model looks for "config_len_displ" in namelist.atmosphere file.
Thank you.
I downloaded MPAS-Model-8.0, compiled init_atmosphere, generated static, init and sfc_update files. However, after compiling atmosphere_model, I am running into list-directed I/O syntax error (please see out.mpas_run48705 file). I re-compiled the atmosphere_model in debug mode and ran it via 'debg atmosphere_model' (I don't know if running 'dbg atmosphere_model' is the proper way to debug the atmosphere_model. The user documentation and google search don't have that specific information on running MPAS in debug mode.). But I couldn't find the error. Howver, based on the error output message, the model complains about list-directed input/output at line 1552 in src/mpas_timekeeping.F file. While there are changes in MPAS-8.0 compared to previous version 7.3, I don't see how these lines could cause the error. Can you guide me to resolve this error?
Also, just as a side note, extrapolation of temperature that is set in namelist.init_atmosphere appears not yet implemented and atmosphere model looks for "config_len_displ" in namelist.atmosphere file.
Thank you.
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