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Looking for help with E_PM_25I definition for RADM2/MADE/SORGAM


New member
Hi all,

I did a hindcast on CONUS for PM2.5 and ozone with RADM2/MADE/SORGAM using WRF/Chem I compared my simulation result with EPA observations. My ozone simulation looks reasonable, while PM2.5 were underestimated, especially in the western US areas.

I processed NEI 2017 emission inventory SMOKE and converted the gridded emission files to WRF-Chem readable format with an in-house NCL script. I am looking for help with the definition of E_PM_25I. I was wondering if I missed some PM2.5 species. My E_PM_25I formula is shown below :

I appreciate any help and suggestions.



  • PM25.png
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Hi Phillip,

This looks to include what you need, of course you could take a look at NCAR's EPA_ANTHRO_EMIS tool that does what your NCL script does.

1) Did you include wildfire emissions? This could be the reason for low estimates in summer?
2) What horizontal and # of vertical levels are you using? High winter PM in the west is often caused by shallow boundary layers accumulating pollution (e.g., cold pool). You could try increasing the number of vertical levels or changing your PBL scheme.
