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Low correlations of PSFC, T2, Windspeed

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.


New member
Hello all, i just updated from v3.8 to v4.2 WRFChem and i am doing some test runs. When i am simulating using NCEP GFS
ds084.1 (0.25 degree) meteorology data and trying to evaluate the model with 2 groung stations, i am getting for PSFC, T2, Wind speed very low correlations. I was wondering if my schemes selected by me has something to do with that. I was not getting these kind of numbers with v3.8.
I am including the namelist.input that i am using. I would appreciate if u could help me some how because i am stuck.

Thanks in advance!!!!!


  • namelist.input
    9 KB · Views: 65

This seems more likely to be a problem best suited for the WRF forum and it may be related to the change in the coordinate system post v4. On another note, based on one of your previous posts, it seems you may have compiled using OpenMP? These options are not supported by WRF-Chem - the distributed memory (dmpar) options are.
