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megan_bio_emiss error: area_interp: Failed to allocate megan_data; error = 5014


New member
Hi all,
I have just compiled the megan_bio_emiss tool and made a first attempt to generate biogenic emissions. I used the tool and the inputs from this link:WRF-Chem

at the very beginning of the run I have this error message:
 Reading megan2 bio emiss file
 megan2_bioemiss:  nlon_megan, nlat_megan =        43200       16800
 megan2_bioemiss: data_dx,dx,has_area_map =    926.676819       10000.0000     T
 megan2_bioemiss: file has a new grid
megan2_bioemiss: xcen_megan(1,2)  =  -179.995697021484     -179.987365722656
megan2_bioemiss: xedge_megan(1,2) =  -179.999862670898     -179.991531372070
megan2_bioemiss: dx =                    120
megan2_bioemiss: nlon_megan,nlat_megan =  43200  16800
megan2_bioemiss: ycen_megan  =   82.9879302978516      82.9962615966797
megan2_bioemiss: yedge_megan =   82.9920959472656      83.0004272460938
 area_interp: Failed to allocate megan_data; error =         5014

Do you have any advice on how to solve this issue?
Many Thanks in advance