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metgrid crashes: get_min(): No items left in the heap

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Try plotting just your SST_MASK variable. ghtsst-to-intermediate will make one in a separate file. If you append the mask field to an SST file, then you can't see it with int2nc - there's a bug, so only the first one is shown. Or there's a bug in my program.
Hi Bart,
I want to run WPS with constant SST data with the intermediate file which is the output of your program. I mean that I used the WPS-ghrsst-to-intermediate program to create the SST files and I used the WPS-interp-intermediate to product the intermediate file at the time period I want, in this case is "SST:2014-07-05_0"
However, when I using the metgrid program, it failed.
[cloud@igplogin WPS.3]$ ./metgrid.exe 
Processing domain 1 of 2
 Processing 2018-09-12_00
ERROR: Cannot combine time-independent data with time-dependent data for field LANDSEA.mask
Here is my namelist option:
 wrf_core = 'ARW',
 max_dom = 2,
 start_date = '2018-09-12_00:00:00', '2018-09-12_00:00:00', '2020-10-27_00:00:00',
 end_date   = '2018-09-17_00:00:00', '2018-09-17_00:00:00', '2020-10-30_00:00:00',
 interval_seconds = 21600
 io_form_geogrid = 2,

 parent_id         = 1,1,
 parent_grid_ratio = 1,3,
 i_parent_start    = 1,61,
 j_parent_start    = 1,60,
 e_we          = 526,1129,
 e_sn          = 352,757,
 geog_data_res = '2m','30s',
 dx = 18000,
 dy = 18000,
 map_proj =  'mercator',
 ref_lat   = 19.963,
 ref_lon   = 130.031,
  truelat1  = 19.963,
 truelat2  = 0.0,
 stand_lon = 130.031,
 geog_data_path = '/work/users/agpc/share/geog',
 ref_x = 236.5,
 ref_y = 195.0,

 out_format = 'WPS',
 prefix     = 'FILE',

 fg_name         = 'FILE'
 constants_name  = 'SST:2014-07-05_00'
 io_form_metgrid = 2,
Please help me to fix this error!
Thank you very much!
I never run with constant SST, so I don't have much advice for you.

Perhaps your SST:2014-07-05_00 file has a field named LANDSEA in it? You don't want it to. I suggest you use ghrsst-to-intermediate to create a static SST_MASK file, and give that to metgrid via the constants_name path as well.