Good day
Appreciation goes to everyone on this platform that has made it a duty to help tackle errors and shed light on shadowed areas of model simulation with MPAS.
Please am having an issue with running MPAS model integration using more cores (e.g 1024cores). I have previously and successfully run MPAS_Atmos for both stretched grid and uniform resolution simulation. Whenever I tried to run MPAS using any resolution with more cores(1024) above 512, the model hangs with no output nor error. If I run the same resolution with a max of 512cores it works fine and well.
I have tested this on 60km_uniform, 60-15km_variable, and 60_10km_variable, it consistently stops at
Please find attached the log.atmosphere.0000.out file
Appreciation goes to everyone on this platform that has made it a duty to help tackle errors and shed light on shadowed areas of model simulation with MPAS.
Please am having an issue with running MPAS model integration using more cores (e.g 1024cores). I have previously and successfully run MPAS_Atmos for both stretched grid and uniform resolution simulation. Whenever I tried to run MPAS using any resolution with more cores(1024) above 512, the model hangs with no output nor error. If I run the same resolution with a max of 512cores it works fine and well.
I have tested this on 60km_uniform, 60-15km_variable, and 60_10km_variable, it consistently stops at
even when I leave it to run for up to 48hrs.Bootstrapping framework with mesh fields from input file ''
Please find attached the log.atmosphere.0000.out file