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Modifications to the lat/lon script (wrf-python)

I'm looking at the sample (wrf-python) to use lat/lon with vertical levels:

from __future__ import print_function, division

from netCDF4 import Dataset
from wrf import getvar, vertcross, CoordPair

ncfile = Dataset("wrfout_d01_2016-10-07_00_00_00")

# Get the geopotential height (m) and pressure (hPa).
z = getvar(ncfile, "z")
p = getvar(ncfile, "pressure")
lats = getvar(ncfile, "lat")
lons = getvar(ncfile, "lon")

# Making the same horizontal line, but with lats/lons
start_lat = lats[(lats.shape[-2]-1)//2, 0]
end_lat = lats[(lats.shape[-2]-1)//2, -1]
start_lon = lons[(lats.shape[-2]-1)//2, 0]
end_lon = lons[(lats.shape[-2]-1)//2, -1]

# Pressure using start_point and end_point. These were obtained using
start_point = CoordPair(lat=start_lat, lon=start_lon)
end_point = CoordPair(lat=end_lat, lon=end_lon)

# Specify vertical levels
levels = [1000., 2000., 3000.]

# Calculate the cross section
p_vert = vertcross(p, z, wrfin=ncfile, levels=levels, start_point=start_point, end_point=end_point, latlon=True)


If the wrfoutut files come from a NMM simulation with rotated coordinates (map_proj = 'rotated_ll'), would it be necessary to modify the script or would it still be valid?