On behalf of DTN, I would like to share with the MPAS community the error we encountered and a fix we made, which may not be the best, but works for us.
Shuxia Zhang, PhD, MBA
DTN Cloud engineer
Software: MPAS-A
Compiler Intel oneapi 2021.04
Error Description: "forrtl: severe (257): formatted I/O to unit open for unformatted transfers, unit 22, file /path/mpas/run/fort.22 but the Slurm job keeps running. "
The Fix: Use of unformatted format. Specifically, modified lines 739-740,
225-225 of mpas_atm_core.F in the directory core_atmosphere:
!write(22,'(a)',advance='no') trim(timeStamp)
write(22) trim(timeStamp)
read(22) startTimeStamp
Shuxia Zhang, PhD, MBA
DTN Cloud engineer
Software: MPAS-A
Compiler Intel oneapi 2021.04
Error Description: "forrtl: severe (257): formatted I/O to unit open for unformatted transfers, unit 22, file /path/mpas/run/fort.22 but the Slurm job keeps running. "
The Fix: Use of unformatted format. Specifically, modified lines 739-740,
225-225 of mpas_atm_core.F in the directory core_atmosphere:
!write(22,'(a)',advance='no') trim(timeStamp)
write(22) trim(timeStamp)
read(22) startTimeStamp