Hi everyone!
I have 2 different cases for running by wrf.exe. And I tried to start 2 wrf.exe at the same time.
I have created the copy of WRF run directory with all nested dirs (/WRF_TEST/run/...,/WRF_TEST/main/...). Than I create 2 sets of wrf.exe input files (wrfinput_d01, wrfbdy_d01) and 2 different namelists.
As a result I have 2 independent directory: /WRF/run/... and /WRF_TEST/run/... with all the required input files in them (wrfinput_d01, wrfbdy_d01, namelist.input).
I have PC with AMD Ryzen 9 5950x 16-core Processor.
At first, I run one case on 8 (mpirun -np 8 ./wrf.exe) and 16 cores (mpirun -np 16 ./wrf.exe), and 8-cores calculation was faster.
I think that the reason for this is that I have is not a very big domain (dx/dy - 160/160).
Therefore, I decided to run 2 different calculations at the same time on 8 cores, since the rest of the cores are not used.
The main questions is:
How to start 2 different calculation in the different directory at the same time?
I tried to run something like this:
mpirun -np 8 --wdir /WRF/run wrf.exe : -np 8 --wdir /WRF_TEST/run wrf_new.exe
In top I see that mpirun successfully stared for all processes: 8 for wrf.exe and 8 for wrf_new.exe.
rsl.error. files were created in 2 directories: 8 in /WRF/run and 8 in /WRF_TEST/run
!!!!But wrfout_d01* files are created only in one directory, the calculation progresses is only in one directory.
Does anyone have experience with a similar wrf.exe running?
Or maybe there are ways to define which cores use for wrf.exe by mpirun? It is allowed to run 2 different cases on 8 cores in subsequence without loss of computing resources.
With best regards!
Palina Zaiko
I have 2 different cases for running by wrf.exe. And I tried to start 2 wrf.exe at the same time.
I have created the copy of WRF run directory with all nested dirs (/WRF_TEST/run/...,/WRF_TEST/main/...). Than I create 2 sets of wrf.exe input files (wrfinput_d01, wrfbdy_d01) and 2 different namelists.
As a result I have 2 independent directory: /WRF/run/... and /WRF_TEST/run/... with all the required input files in them (wrfinput_d01, wrfbdy_d01, namelist.input).
I have PC with AMD Ryzen 9 5950x 16-core Processor.
At first, I run one case on 8 (mpirun -np 8 ./wrf.exe) and 16 cores (mpirun -np 16 ./wrf.exe), and 8-cores calculation was faster.
I think that the reason for this is that I have is not a very big domain (dx/dy - 160/160).
Therefore, I decided to run 2 different calculations at the same time on 8 cores, since the rest of the cores are not used.
The main questions is:
How to start 2 different calculation in the different directory at the same time?
I tried to run something like this:
mpirun -np 8 --wdir /WRF/run wrf.exe : -np 8 --wdir /WRF_TEST/run wrf_new.exe
In top I see that mpirun successfully stared for all processes: 8 for wrf.exe and 8 for wrf_new.exe.
rsl.error. files were created in 2 directories: 8 in /WRF/run and 8 in /WRF_TEST/run
!!!!But wrfout_d01* files are created only in one directory, the calculation progresses is only in one directory.
Does anyone have experience with a similar wrf.exe running?
Or maybe there are ways to define which cores use for wrf.exe by mpirun? It is allowed to run 2 different cases on 8 cores in subsequence without loss of computing resources.
With best regards!
Palina Zaiko