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Need help imposing variables from control run onto new run using WRF v4.5


New member
Hi all,

I'm currently trying to figure out how to impose two variables (HFX and QFX) from a control run to a new run. For my new run, I have located in the module_surface_driver file where to edit the values (line 3028 as the last call under the CASE LSM just before the CASE NOAHMP is invoked) and those successfully override the calculated variables if I set HFX equal to zero, for example. However, I'm not sure how to implement a function using the output HFX and QFX variables from the control run to act as the replacement instead. Does anyone have any tips/experience doing something like this?

For context, the two runs have identical settings but I'm eventually going to be inverting solar radiation timing as the goal is to remove the influence of surface flux variability, which would be inherently changed by a inversion of the diurnal cycle.

Thanks for any suggestions/help!