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wrf physics

  1. W

    Discontinuity in parent grid (Two-way nested)

    Hi everyone, I modified the wrfrst file to replace half of the ocean with land. While the parent grid results are normal, I’m seeing discontinuities in specific humidity and temperature in the boundary layer when the nested grid (child grid) moves over the land area. Attached are the specific...
  2. J

    WRF with Noah-MP: Anomalously Cold T2 Surface Temperature

    Model Code WRF 4.5.2 Noah-MP v4.5 Platform Linux x86_64 INTEL (ftn/icc): Cray XC (dmpar) Model Summary 4km SE USA Restart run starting from Oct. 1974 through Dec. 2020 Forced with ERA5 from the Copernicus CDS via python API Geogrid run with GEOGRID.TBL.ARW.noahmp Notable modules: Thompson MP...
  3. H

    Roof Thickness or U value for sf_urban_physics = 3

    I wanted to know U value of roof or thickness of roof when using sf_urban_physics = 3. and how we can change it
  4. C

    Convective updraft and downdraft mass flux values

    I am investigating options for obtaining values of parameterised convective updraft and downdraft mass flux values from WRF for use in the EMEP chemistry-transport model at global scales. From the registry, I was interested in the UDR_KF, DDR_KF, UER_KF and DER_KF variables for up/downdraft...
  5. M

    wrfbdy issue

    I try to run my wrf model over three months (MAM) using cfs data but i am have a problem ,which is in the wrfbdy file the dates stops in "2024-05-18_06:00:00"
  6. W

    How to Modify the Surface Temperature(TSK)

    Dear Support, In my idealized experiment, I added a land area with a terrain height of 2 meters and fixed soil moisture at 30%. The land surface scheme is Noah LSM, and the initial surface temperature is set to 301.65K (originally 280K in the code). However, when the model starts integration...
  7. C

    how to modify temperature on specific area(or landuse or grid)

    I want to study sea-land breeze in different thermodynamic case. case 1 : sea-land temperature difference is 5 degree C. case 2 : sea-land temperature difference is 10 degree C. it doesn't need to be correctly '5' or '10' degree C, but I want to see the difference of wind, snow in different...
  8. T

    Use 31,32,33 urban category in noah-mp problem

    Hi all; I am using wrf(v4.2) to run a case.And I have create 31-33 urban category in variable LU_INDEX and LANDUSEF also have the corresponding values.But when i run the case with the setting,it didn't work with the urban area.To sovle the problem,i use the same geo file...
  9. K

    Turbulent Dissipation term in Boulac scheme

    I am having trouble understanding the dissipation term for turbulent kinetic energy in Boulac scheme. As per the the 1989 paper from Bougeault and Lacarrere the dissipation term is given by dissipation term = -ceps_b * te1**1.5 / dl1 . (assuming my understanding that te1 was the tke bounded by...
  10. J

    When running WRF parallelly, simulation crashes after the first day of the simulation

    Hello everyone, We are trying to run a couple of simulations using WRF v 4.6.0 to evaluate the impact of green roof. We are using default (MODIS) as static land data and CFSv2 as dynamic weather data. We were able to run the model perfectly (in parallel mode) for the base case and validate the...
  11. H

    TR_URB Issue

    I am using sf_urban_physics=3 and i dont get values for TR_URB. Attached are the imagaes for all 3 domains
  12. L

    Fortran module that computes the vertical motion at the lowest level

    Hello, I am looking for the following equation in the wrf model: According to this paper, Robinson and Businger 2019, this is how the lowest-level vertical motion in WRF is calculated. Can anyone point me to the fortran module that computes this? Thank you in advance! I'll appreciate any help!
  13. A

    Topography experiment

    Hello everyone, I am carrying out an experiment with WRF to study the role of a mountain in South America on the precipitation of the surrounding region.. For this, I have run a control simulation with the mountain in the topography, and an experiment simulation where I have modified the...
  14. H

    TC_URB is not capturing urban processes

    Hi, I am using WRF 5.3 with CGLC data set. With MUCM (sf_urban_physics=3). For TC_Urban my values are not changing and it shows me almost plain grid values (graph attached). While LH_URB captures data fine.
  15. L

    Add new variables to WRF scheme for caculation

    Hi, I want to add some new variables related to the orography to WRF pbl scheme for caculation, the dimensions are same as the Model terrain height. But I don't know how to operate. At which step should I add them ? Should I add them in WPS geo_em.d0*.nc ? Looking forward to answers! Best...
  16. Y

    NOAH-MP V5 run as a single cell model (1D driver)

    For a previous version of Noah-MP LSM there was a specific model configuration to run the model as a single cell model (forcing for one point location and output for only this point location) here is the link to this model...
  17. E

    QX in Latent Heat Flux Calculation

    Hi, I am trying to reproduce the total LH calculation from SFCLAY using the WRF model output. I modified the EM_COMMON registry to have the coefficient FLQC and QSFC in the model output and now I am having trouble understanding the meaning of the variable QX. If I understand it (my FORTRAN...
  18. L

    How to change the surface roughness of a specified area

    Hi, WRF Community: I'm running the sensitivity experiments on surface roughness. The method I found in WRF Forums is to change the values (Z0MIN and Z0MAX) in VEGPARM.TBL, however, the surface roughness would be modified across the entire model domain if we take this way. So my questions are, is...
  19. R

    Formula for latent heat of vaporization in WRF?

    Hi all, I am using the "sf_sfclay_physics = 1" option in WRF. I am aware of the relevant reference for the surface latent heat flux formula when this option is enabled, but I am not sure whether the latent heat of vaporization used in this formula is constant, or if there is a formula for it...
  20. Yuting_Deng

    The density problem of module_mp_fast_sbm.F

    Recently I have some questions adding variables to the fast_sbm file, the density (rho_phy) unit in this file is [kg m-3], and rhocgs unit should be [g m-3] because there is a statement 'rhocgs(I,K,J)=rho_phy(I,K,J)*0.001' in this file. Now the problems are coming, an example...