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wrf physics

  1. L

    How to change the surface roughness of a specified area

    Hi, WRF Community: I'm running the sensitivity experiments on surface roughness. The method I found in WRF Forums is to change the values (Z0MIN and Z0MAX) in VEGPARM.TBL, however, the surface roughness would be modified across the entire model domain if we take this way. So my questions are, is...
  2. R

    Formula for latent heat of vaporization in WRF?

    Hi all, I am using the "sf_sfclay_physics = 1" option in WRF. I am aware of the relevant reference for the surface latent heat flux formula when this option is enabled, but I am not sure whether the latent heat of vaporization used in this formula is constant, or if there is a formula for it...
  3. Yuting_Deng

    The density problem of module_mp_fast_sbm.F

    Recently I have some questions adding variables to the fast_sbm file, the density (rho_phy) unit in this file is [kg m-3], and rhocgs unit should be [g m-3] because there is a statement 'rhocgs(I,K,J)=rho_phy(I,K,J)*0.001' in this file. Now the problems are coming, an example...
  4. S

    how WRF recognise Three urban categories (LIR,HIR,COI) in domain?

    Hello everybody If urban landuse does exist in the model domain(1 in USGS and 13 in MODIS),how wrf recognize 1-Low density residential, 2-High density residential, and 3- Commercial in the area? is it defined in land use?I would be grateful if anybody can help.
  5. A

    Time-varying surface heat flux specification in WRF LES

    Could you guide me on explicitly prescribing the diurnal variation of sensible heat, latent heat, and friction velocity profiles for simulating a PBL evolution using the WRF-LES model? I have observational data available and don't want to use the inbuilt heat flux calculation schemes.
  6. S

    DZ8W, ZLVL become NaN value with sf_sfclay_physics=1(MM5), sf_surface_physics=4(NOAH MP)

    Hello, I'm running a model with WRF version 4.5.2, but it can't proceed any further due to an error. What is unusual is that if I set the domain to nesting d02, it runs normally, but if I set it to d01, the model does not run. Also, even when set to one domain, it performs well if I change...
  7. Y

    Difference between ZA and (PH+PHB)/9.8 as the first atmospheric height

    Hi, I'm using WRF-Chem to simulate air quality near urban centers and getting confused with a physical definition. I'm wondering the difference between ZA (defined as first atmospheric level as a lowest boundary condition in module_sf_urban.F under ./WRF/phys) and (PH+PHB)/9.8. I learnt from...
  8. P

    How would one alter the boundary condition handling in WRF?

    Hello beautiful community, I have tried using WRF to run pseudo-idealized simulations. Basically, what I did was: Fetch some boundary and initial conditions (e.g., ERA5) Replace them with fields uniform in (x, y) space, effectively replacing the input data with a height-dependent sounding...
  9. H

    Questions about irr_ph of irrigation module in WRF-Noah

    Hello everyone, I am new to the WRF irrigation module, and I have some confusion about the irrigation settings in the Noah LSM. In the WRF user guide's section on Surface Irrigation Parameterization, it is mentioned that "irr_ph" regulates the spatial activation of irrigation (with irr_freq...
  10. A

    Add Ocean mixed layer thickness (OML DATA) in WRF simmulation

    i ve download from Copernicus Marine Service, Ocean mixed layer thickness and i want to add threm to WRF in namelist.input i've added the extra options sf_ocean_physics = 1, sftcflx = 1, oml_hml0 = 25 But hese values are fixed. How...
  11. X

    How to modify HFX in a specific region when using the dmp runing

    Dear all, I want to modify surface sensible heat flux in a specific small region in my simulation domain. I used the NOAH LSM, and I found that the i, j in the module_sf_noahdrv.F are in the tiles. How can I know the location of the grid so that I could only modify the HFX in the region I'm...
  12. Z

    About total temperature tendency

    Hi all, I'm interested in some physical processes in thunderstorm modeling by WRF, include temperature term. Due to this artical ( How to output temperature tendency terms ), temperature tendency include 5 term: h_diabatic, RTHSHTEN, RTHCUTEN, RTHRATEN, RTHBLTEN. Did it included all processes...
  13. X

    undefined_value in WRF_noahMP

    Hi all, When running the WRF scheme, I found that variables related to LAI, including TGV, TAH, TZV, etc., had abnormal values. After investigation, I determined that these areas had a land use type of 15 in MODIS, which corresponds to snow and ice. By checking the source code, I discovered...
  14. S

    WRF error at Noah MP

    I'm running a model with WRF version 4.5.2, but it can't proceed any further due to an error. What is unusual is that if I set the domain to nesting d02, it runs normally, but if I set it to d01, the model does not run. Also, even when set to one domain, it performs well if I change the...
  15. A

    High-resolution WRF-LES coupled with land model

    This might not be a very specific question, but does anybody know if it is possible to couple WRF-LES with a land model (e.g., CLM 5) for high-resolution simulation (grid resolution a few meters or so), so that a canopy could be explicitly modeled over several vertical layers (modeling energy...
  16. S

    prec_acc_dt gives zero values

    Hi I'm trying to set the prec_acc_dt = 60 (mins) on my namelist but when I get the results prec_acc_c and prec_acc_nc variables are zero. I checked the accumulated rain values and RAINC is zero, RAINNC gives precipitation I cannot find the mistake on my namelist, could you help me? Thanks
  17. S

    WRF-Hydro running error: READ_ROUTEDIM

    Hello, I am modeling WRF-Hydro for the California region of the United States and running the command . /wrf_hydro.exe with the following error, the detailed log file is attached, enter the file can be downloaded by clicking the download link, can you help me to see what the problem is, and how...
  18. C

    Is it possible to apply heat to specific domain ?

    I want to study sea-land breeze in different thermodynamic case. case 1 : sea-land temperature difference is 5 degree C. case 2 : sea-land temperature difference is 10 degree C. it isn't correctly '5' or '10' degree C, but I want to see the difference of wind, snow in different sea-land breeze...
  19. W

    Clarification for cudt variable in namelist

    cudt: 0 minutes between cumulus physics calls; set to 0 (call every time step) when using all cu_physics options except Kain-Fritsch; set all domains to the same value max_dom cu_physics = 11, 0, ! Cumulus parameterization...
  20. H

    ./wrf.exe Status = -4 ---- ERROR: Could not find matching time in input file

    Dear friends, I missed an error when I run the ./wrf.exe in WRF-noahmp. here touched my namelist.input and some input data. when I change the time_step from 180 to 120 to 90, it always said the same error in the different time, such as 2020-07-03, 2020-07-14, 2020-09-18. **WARNING** Time in...