Deleted member 3607
WRF not installing with new netCDF 4.9.2 · Issue #1829 · wrf-model/WRF
Describe the bug netcdf v.4.9.2 not compatible with WRF To Reproduce See below Expected behavior Expected v4.9.2 to work the same as v4.9.0. Confirmed with Unidata that nothing changed that they kn...
I am trying to install the Weather Research and Forecasting Model (WRF) using Netcdf 4.9.2
I use these commands to install netcdf
##############################Install NETCDF C Library############################
cd $WRF_FOLDER/Downloads
tar -xzvf v4.9.2.tar.gz
cd netcdf-c-4.9.2/
export CPPFLAGS=-I$DIR/grib2/include
export LDFLAGS=-L$DIR/grib2/lib
export LIBS="-lhdf5_hl -lhdf5 -lz -lcurl -lgfortran -lgcc -lm -ldl -lpnetcdf"
CC=$MPICC FC=$MPIFC CXX=$MPICXX F90=$MPIF90 F77=$MPIF77 ./configure --prefix=$DIR/NETCDF --disable-dap --enable-netcdf-4 --enable-netcdf4 --enable-shared --enable-pnetcdf --enable-cdf5 --enable-parallel-tests
make -j $CPU_HALF_EVEN
make -j $CPU_HALF_EVEN install 2>&1 | tee make.install.log
#make check
echo " "
It passes all the checks for WRF. But gives this error.
Settings listed above are written to configure.wrf.
If you wish to change settings, please edit that file.
If you wish to change the default options, edit the file:
NetCDF users note:
This installation of NetCDF supports large file support. To DISABLE large file
support in NetCDF, set the environment variable WRFIO_NCD_NO_LARGE_FILE_SUPPORT
to 1 and run configure again. Set to any other value to avoid this message.
Testing for NetCDF, C and Fortran compiler
This installation of NetCDF is 64-bit
C compiler is 64-bit
Fortran compiler is 64-bit
It will build in 64-bit
NetCDF version: 4.9.2
Enabled NetCDF-4/HDF-5: yes
NetCDF built with PnetCDF: yes
************************** W A R N I N G ************************************
NETCDF4 IO features are requested, but this installation of NetCDF
DOES NOT support these IO features.
Please make sure NETCDF version is 4.1.3 or later and was built with
OR set NETCDF_classic variable
bash/ksh : export NETCDF_classic=1
csh : setenv NETCDF_classic 1
Then re-run this configure script
!!! configure.wrf has been REMOVED !!!
Is there a new feature in 4.9.2 that needs to be enabled?
For reference 4.9.0 worked without a problem.
Make Check reveals all tests passed.
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