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New albedo in WRF


I would like to use the albedo data from the European copernicus database for the WRF model.
On the copernicus database website I found directional albedo and hemispeherical albedo. Which ones should I use in the WRF model? Instead of the default albedo from wps_geo.

Here is a description from the Copernicus website (Surface Albedo | Copernicus Global Land Service)

The surface albedo quantifies the fraction of the sunlight reflected by the surface of the Earth. Different albedo concepts are defined:
  1. The directional albedo or directional-hemispherical reflectance (also called black-sky albedo) is the integration of the bi-directional reflectance over the viewing hemisphere. It assumes all energy is coming from a direct radiation from the sun and is computed for a specific time.
  2. The hemispherical albedo or bi-hemispherical reflectance (also called white-sky albedo) is the integration of the directional albedo over the illumination hemisphere. It assumes a complete diffuse illumination.