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No chemistry variables in WRF output


New member

I'm having some issues with the output files (wrfout) when trying to run WRF-chem (version 4.5.2) for a single domain.
The model runs fine and shows no errors, but there are no chemistry variables in the output files. All other meteorological etc fields are present.

I've tried outputting these variables directly to a secondary stream, and while WRF recognises them while running real.exe, it doesn't during the execution of wrf.exe - see output below:

rsl.error.0000 in real.exe:

Domain 1 Setting history stream 7 for hc3
Domain 1 Setting history stream 7 for xyl
Domain 1 Setting history stream 7 for tol
Domain 1 Setting history stream 7 for hcho
Domain 1 Setting history stream 7 for paa

rsl.error.0000 in wrf.exe:

W A R N I N G : Unable to modify mask for hc3. Variable not found. File: iofields.txt at line 2
W A R N I N G : Unable to modify mask for xyl. Variable not found. File: iofields.txt at line 2
W A R N I N G : Unable to modify mask for tol. Variable not found. File: iofields.txt at line 2
W A R N I N G : Unable to modify mask for hcho. Variable not found. File: iofields.txt at line 2
W A R N I N G : Unable to modify mask for paa. Variable not found. File: iofields.txt at line 2

In this particular case I'm using chem_opt=2, but I have tried it for other chemistry schemes with the same result.

Chemistry input variables are present in wrfinput_d01, WRF-chem compiles and completes without throwing errors etc.

Has anyone experienced something similar/can anyone tell me why this might be happening?
Thanks in advance!



  • namelist.input
    7.3 KB · Views: 4
  • rsl.error.0000
    93.7 KB · Views: 0
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