We invite to apply for a postdoctoral position for a researcher with expertise in high resolution meteorological WRF-Chem or WRF LES simulations. The call will be officially open once we have at least one suitable candidate and the 18-month contract will start as soon as the formalities are completed.
The successful applicant will work in the Department of Applied Physics, Universidad Miguel Hernandez de Elche, Elche (Spain), as part of the research project “A Climatology of Rossby Wave Reflection Dynamics Controlling Secondary Rossby Wave Breaking in the Polar Jet. Impact on severe atmospheric events over the Iberian Peninsula” (rROSETTA).
The selected candidate is expected to conduct, validate, and analyze high-resolution WRF-Chem/LES simulations for a number of case studies of dust storm formation over North Africa and their impact poleward, and of severe weather events (flash floods and heat waves) over Iberia. The successful applicant will work under the supervision of Prof. Jose A. G. Orza, within the SCOLAb group (SCOLAb), in close collaboration with researchers in Arizona and New Mexico.
The position requires a Ph.D. in Atmospheric Sciences or a closely related field, and experience in working with WRF-Chem or WRF LES including setting up the model; in the former, using both parameterized and explicitly-resolved convection in complex terrain.
Interested researchers should contact and forward a 1-page cover letter, CV, and two representative publications to Jose A. G. Orza (ja.garcia@umh.es).
The successful applicant will work in the Department of Applied Physics, Universidad Miguel Hernandez de Elche, Elche (Spain), as part of the research project “A Climatology of Rossby Wave Reflection Dynamics Controlling Secondary Rossby Wave Breaking in the Polar Jet. Impact on severe atmospheric events over the Iberian Peninsula” (rROSETTA).
The selected candidate is expected to conduct, validate, and analyze high-resolution WRF-Chem/LES simulations for a number of case studies of dust storm formation over North Africa and their impact poleward, and of severe weather events (flash floods and heat waves) over Iberia. The successful applicant will work under the supervision of Prof. Jose A. G. Orza, within the SCOLAb group (SCOLAb), in close collaboration with researchers in Arizona and New Mexico.
The position requires a Ph.D. in Atmospheric Sciences or a closely related field, and experience in working with WRF-Chem or WRF LES including setting up the model; in the former, using both parameterized and explicitly-resolved convection in complex terrain.
Interested researchers should contact and forward a 1-page cover letter, CV, and two representative publications to Jose A. G. Orza (ja.garcia@umh.es).