Dear Sir/Madm,
Recently we tested WRF/WPS system on Azure cloud and found when geophysical data path is long enough (>128) the geogrid.exe may crash. This is due to the string length definition in WPS/geogrid/src/source_data_module.F subroutine get_datalist().
character (len=128) :: res_string, path_string, interp_string, landmask_string
and later in this subroutine, there is a code line like this
write(path_string,'(a)') trim(geog_data_path)//trim(path_string(ispace+1:128))
But this string length definition is inconsistent with the string length definition in gridinfo_module.F which has a line
character (len=MAX_FILENAME_LEN) :: geog_data_path ...
In misc_definitions_module.F:
integer, parameter :: MAX_FILENAME_LEN = 1024
So I wonder if these string length definitions can be made more consistent and long enough say 1024?
Thanks and best regards,,
Min Zhu
Recently we tested WRF/WPS system on Azure cloud and found when geophysical data path is long enough (>128) the geogrid.exe may crash. This is due to the string length definition in WPS/geogrid/src/source_data_module.F subroutine get_datalist().
character (len=128) :: res_string, path_string, interp_string, landmask_string
and later in this subroutine, there is a code line like this
write(path_string,'(a)') trim(geog_data_path)//trim(path_string(ispace+1:128))
But this string length definition is inconsistent with the string length definition in gridinfo_module.F which has a line
character (len=MAX_FILENAME_LEN) :: geog_data_path ...
In misc_definitions_module.F:
integer, parameter :: MAX_FILENAME_LEN = 1024
So I wonder if these string length definitions can be made more consistent and long enough say 1024?
Thanks and best regards,,
Min Zhu