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Path string length issue

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.


New member
Dear Sir/Madm,

Recently we tested WRF/WPS system on Azure cloud and found when geophysical data path is long enough (>128) the geogrid.exe may crash. This is due to the string length definition in WPS/geogrid/src/source_data_module.F subroutine get_datalist().
character (len=128) :: res_string, path_string, interp_string, landmask_string
and later in this subroutine, there is a code line like this
write(path_string,'(a)') trim(geog_data_path)//trim(path_string(ispace+1:128))

But this string length definition is inconsistent with the string length definition in gridinfo_module.F which has a line
character (len=MAX_FILENAME_LEN) :: geog_data_path ...
In misc_definitions_module.F:
integer, parameter :: MAX_FILENAME_LEN = 1024

So I wonder if these string length definitions can be made more consistent and long enough say 1024?

Thanks and best regards,,

Min Zhu
Thanks very much for reporting this! I've opened an issue in the WPS repository, and we'll try to fix this in a bugfix release in the near future: .