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Post-doctoral Fellow in Regional Urban Climate Modelling

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New member
We have a vacancy at the Cyprus Institute for a Post-doctoral Fellow in Regional Urban Climate Modelling.

The research is contributing to the efforts of the CORDEX international program and it will be carried out within the CELSIUS (“Projecting temperature climate extremes at regional to urban scale”) project, supported by the Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation (RPF) RESTART 2016-2020 programme.

The deadline for applications is now the 29/10/2018. Please find in the link below more details and access to the online application system:

Dr. George Zittis
Associate Research Scientist, Atmospheric and Climate Unit,
Energy, Environment and Water Research Center (EEWRC), THE CYPRUS INSTITUTE

Postal Address: P.O. Box 27456, 1645, Nicosia, Cyprus
Direct Line: +357 22 208662