I am trying to run "prep_chem_sources.inp" to produce emission data for WRF-Chem. However, I faced an error regarding the OLSON data path. I defined the path correctly but after running the "prep_chem_sources.inp" I receive the following error :
HDF5 file not found, please change to the correct path of the HDF5 file
I defined the path for OLSON data as follows:
olson_data_dir ='/backup2/seti/setii/Build_WRF/PREP-CHEM-SRC-1.5/bin/DATA/Global_emissions_v3/Emission_data/OLSON2/OLSON.h5',
Would you please kindly help me to sort this issue out please?
Thank you so much for your attention and participation.
Best wishes,
HDF5 file not found, please change to the correct path of the HDF5 file
I defined the path for OLSON data as follows:
olson_data_dir ='/backup2/seti/setii/Build_WRF/PREP-CHEM-SRC-1.5/bin/DATA/Global_emissions_v3/Emission_data/OLSON2/OLSON.h5',
Would you please kindly help me to sort this issue out please?
Thank you so much for your attention and participation.
Best wishes,