After configuring with WRF 4.6.1, for moving nests, I see this message:
************************** W A R N I N G ************************************
The moving nest option is not available due to missing rpc/types.h file.
Copy landread.c.dist to landread.c in share directory to bypass compile error.
I don't understand the suggestion. If I copy landread.c.dist to landread.c, then will moving nests work? Or will it just "bypass the compile error"?
Compiling with option 78/ifx.
Dave Nolan
After configuring with WRF 4.6.1, for moving nests, I see this message:
************************** W A R N I N G ************************************
The moving nest option is not available due to missing rpc/types.h file.
Copy landread.c.dist to landread.c in share directory to bypass compile error.
I don't understand the suggestion. If I copy landread.c.dist to landread.c, then will moving nests work? Or will it just "bypass the compile error"?
Compiling with option 78/ifx.
Dave Nolan