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reading new variable from the restart file


New member
Following this thread on adding a new variable to a restart file and this thread related to corresponding changes in the source. I included 'temperature' variable in the restarts for reading only. Attached is the xml file. However, I am unable to see any difference in the results after this change. The log.atmosphere.out file show the following:
Reading streams configuration from file streams.atmosphere
Found mesh stream with filename template restart.$Y-$M-$D_$h.$m.$
Using io_type Parallel-NetCDF (CDF-5, large variable support) for mesh stream
** Attempting to bootstrap MPAS framework using stream: restart
Bootstrapping framework with mesh fields from input file ''
* Requested field rainprod is deactivated due to packages, or is a scratch variable.
* Requested field evapprod is deactivated due to packages, or is a scratch variable.
* Requested field nt_c is deactivated due to packages, or is a scratch variable.
* Requested field mu_c is deactivated due to packages, or is a scratch variable.
* Requested field nca is deactivated due to packages, or is a scratch variable.
* Requested field w0avg is deactivated due to packages, or is a scratch variable.
* Requested field fh is deactivated due to packages, or is a scratch variable.
* Requested field fm is deactivated due to packages, or is a scratch variable.
* Requested field rqrcuten is deactivated due to packages, or is a scratch variable.
* Requested field rqscuten is deactivated due to packages, or is a scratch variable.
* Requested field temperature is deactivated due to packages, or is a scratch variable.
1) Is the variable 'temperature' not read?
2) As I want to only read the variable from the restarts and not write, I have not made any changes in the mpas_atm_core.F file. Is this the reason?


  • Registry.xml.txt
    164.4 KB · Views: 4
Last edited:
Temperature is deactivated because its definition in the Registry -

<var name="temperature" type="real" dimensions="nVertLevels nCells Time" units="K"

include the specific packages in which it is activated. If you remove the packages statement it should be available in the diag pool and be read in.