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Reading wrong wrfchemi file


New member
I have a wried problem. When I run WRF-chem for 6 hours, the model supporses to find wrfchemi_d02_2017-07-17_06:00:00. However, the model found the file of wrfchemi_d02_2017-07-17_00:00:00 and complain time error.

------------- Error message -------------------

d02 2017-07-17_06:00:00 ---- ERROR: Could not find matching time in input file wrfchemi_d02_2017-07-17_00:00:00
NOTE: 1 namelist vs input data inconsistencies found.


Any one has the same issue?

My namelist.input looks like this
auxinput5_inname = 'wrfchemi_d<domain>_<date>'

auxinput5_interval_m = 360, 360, 360, 360, ! Anthropogenic emissions input

io_form_auxinput5 = 2,

frames_per_auxinput5 = 1,

io_form_history = 2

io_form_restart = 2

io_form_input = 2

io_form_boundary = 2

debug_level = 300

force_use_old_data = .true.

There are two ways to input emissions. Either hourly or 2 12 hour files. If you want 6-hourly emissions. You'll need to duplicate your 00 emissions for 01-05, your 06 emissions for 07-11, your 12 emissions for 13-17..etc. and then use the correct namelist options to tell the model to ingest the hourly emissions.
