Hello WRF-Chem users,
I'm running WRF-Chem with GHG tracer options (CH4 & CO2)
Currently setting up a heavy run with Ensemble tracers (500 members)
I have done all the modifications in the Registry/registry.chem and chem/module_ghg_fluxes.F
Added emissions as E_CH4_XXX and tracers as CH4_XXX
The problem is: After running real.exe, the wrfbdy file contains a huge amount of LBC and tendency fields, 8 fields for each ensemble member, giving us at least 3000 4D-variables which are all zeros and redundant which could slow down the simulation process.
I have tried redefining the tracer fields in the Registry/registry.chem and could not turn off writing LBCs of these tracers into wrfbdy...
As long as you define it as a 4D-field it would write LBCs and tendency into wrfbdy. (Example below)
I would like to pass on these fields to the chem package for calculation, and I also need the history output for each ensemble member
Is there a way to switch off this, to avoid unnecessary resources for calculating zeros? Just want to reduce calculation time basically...
============= Example =================
state real CH4_XXX ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "CH4_ANT" "mixing ratio of anthropogenic CH4" "ppmv"
state real CH4_XXX ikjf chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "CH4_ANT" "mixing ratio of anthropogenic CH4" "ppmv"
state real CH4_XXX ikjf chem 1 - i0{12}rh "CH4_ANT" "mixing ratio of anthropogenic CH4" "ppmv"
state real CH4_XXX ikjf chem 1 - h "CH4_ANT" "mixing ratio of anthropogenic CH4" "ppmv"
And many more
I'm running WRF-Chem with GHG tracer options (CH4 & CO2)
Currently setting up a heavy run with Ensemble tracers (500 members)
I have done all the modifications in the Registry/registry.chem and chem/module_ghg_fluxes.F
Added emissions as E_CH4_XXX and tracers as CH4_XXX
The problem is: After running real.exe, the wrfbdy file contains a huge amount of LBC and tendency fields, 8 fields for each ensemble member, giving us at least 3000 4D-variables which are all zeros and redundant which could slow down the simulation process.
I have tried redefining the tracer fields in the Registry/registry.chem and could not turn off writing LBCs of these tracers into wrfbdy...
As long as you define it as a 4D-field it would write LBCs and tendency into wrfbdy. (Example below)
I would like to pass on these fields to the chem package for calculation, and I also need the history output for each ensemble member
Is there a way to switch off this, to avoid unnecessary resources for calculating zeros? Just want to reduce calculation time basically...
============= Example =================
state real CH4_XXX ikjftb chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "CH4_ANT" "mixing ratio of anthropogenic CH4" "ppmv"
state real CH4_XXX ikjf chem 1 - i0{12}rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt) "CH4_ANT" "mixing ratio of anthropogenic CH4" "ppmv"
state real CH4_XXX ikjf chem 1 - i0{12}rh "CH4_ANT" "mixing ratio of anthropogenic CH4" "ppmv"
state real CH4_XXX ikjf chem 1 - h "CH4_ANT" "mixing ratio of anthropogenic CH4" "ppmv"
And many more