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Running Model with Dense Meshes

Thanks for the path. Interestingly, the sizes for our esmf.mod files are substantially different:


An octal dump of the files suggests that they were created with different compilers, so I'm wondering whether there might be something about your shell environment that's causing a different compiler to be used than the expected gfortran 10.1.0?

Do you by any chance have any conda environments that are active? Or were you working in a conda environment that was deactivated before compiling MPAS? I have heard from colleagues that there have been some bad interactions between conda environments on Cheyenne -- even after they've been deactivated -- and the modules for various compilers.
Thank you for the information and my apologies for the late response.
I don't think I have any conda environments that are active. Will cross-check once again. So far, on Cheyenne, I am running only MPAS and nothing else.
Is there a way out of this?
Thank you.