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Running obsproc

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.


New member
I have run obsproc with the tutorial case for 2008, and it runs without any problem and produces "obs_gts_2008-02-05_12:00:00.3DVAR"
I have an a single observation file which I converted to little_r using a fortran program I downloaded on this forum. but I can no longer locate.
I have tried to replicate the obsproc run for 3dvar with my one observation file. I called the file "obs.2019010306" and put it in "WRFDA/DATA/ob/2019010306" and linked the file to "WRFDA/var/obsproc".
Assuming obserr.txt for the tutorial can be used for my case and with appropriate changes to namelist.input, I run obsproc.exe.
It runs without indicating any error. obsproc.out is produced, but there is no "obs_gts_2019-01-03_06:00:00.3DVAR".
I am not able to attach my obs.2019010306 as there is no provision for attaching a file on this forum, so I have attached the text.
I will appreciate any help.

-1.97000 30.13000 SURFACE DATA FROM KIGALI AERO FM-12 SYNOP 1.00000 6 0 0 532045824 0 T F F -888888 -888888 20181225060000 101325.00000 0-888888.00000 0-888888.00000 0-888888.00000 0-888888.00000 0-888888.00000 0-888888.00000 0-888888.00000 0-888888.00000 0-888888.00000 0-888888.00000 0-888888.00000 0-888888.00000 0
85000.00000 0 1850.00000 0 299.14999 0 286.14999 0 5.00000 0 90.00000 0-888888.00000 0-888888.00000 0-888888.00000 0-888888.00000 0
-777777.00000 0-777777.00000 0 1.00000 0-888888.00000 0-888888.00000 0-888888.00000 0-888888.00000 0-888888.00000 0-888888.00000 0-888888.00000 0
1 0 0
To answer my own question, firstly I want to apologize to all. The date in my obs file in litte_r was different from the one I put in the namelist. With the correction the file "obs_gts_2019-01-03_06:00:00.3DVAR" is produced after the correction is made.
I am sorry for my error.
I hava a question for the WRFDA. In the obsproc, I don't know how to set the record7&8 in the namelist.obsproc. I hope you can help me.
the massage of namelist.wps are show in below:
parent_id = 1,1,2,
parent_grid_ratio = 1,3,3,
i_parent_start = 1,36,32,
j_parent_start = 1,42,38,
e_we = 100,88,76,
e_sn = 118,106,94,
geog_data_res = '10m','2m','30s',
dx = 9000,
dy = 9000,
map_proj = 'lambert',
ref_lat = 30.55,
ref_lon = 119.57,
truelat1 = 30.5,
truelat2 = 30.5,
stand_lon = 119.926,
I tried to modify the massage in the namelist.obsproc in the below:
IPROJ = 1,
PHIC = 30.55,
XLONC = 119.57,
OAD_CEN_LAT = 30.55,
STANDARD_LON = 119.926,
IDD = 2,
NESTIX = 118, 106, 94,
NESTJX = 100, 88, 76,
DIS = 9, 3, 1,
NUMC = 1, 1, 2,
NESTI = 1, 36, 32,
NESTJ = 1, 42, 38,
However, the obsproc.exe can not work, which hint that error in NAMELIST record 7. I don't know what the problem is, can you help me?

I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Best regards

Yours sincerely

Jie Wang