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Running WRF on Derecho


New member

I am running WRF model on Derecho. I want to know how can I use the optimum resources while submitting my batch job, i.e., what choices should I make for the number of nodes, ncpus, mpiprocs and ompthreads? My domains have grid spacings of 9 km and 3 km and I plan to run the WRF for 5 days.

Hi Shreyas,
The choices you make, regarding compilers, typically comes down to the size of your domain. Take a look at Choosing an Appropriate Number of Processors for best practices for that. We don't have any documented tests regarding openmp on Derecho yet, though others on this forum may be able to offer some hints, if they have experience with it.
Dear @kwerner ,

In the script there is this variable set properly for Cheyenne:

# number of cores you want to use per node (Cheyenne has a max of 36/node)​
cores = 36​

Could I use the same script for Derecho, setting cores = 128?
