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Runtime Problems

This post was from a previous version of the WRF&MPAS-A Support Forum. New replies have been disabled and if you have follow up questions related to this post, then please start a new thread from the forum home page.


New member
Hi (I am a new WRFDA user),

I am trying to run 4DVAR for radar data (radial velocity and reflectivity). After succesfuly completing the Tutorial exercise for Radar assimilation ( I am running a test 4DVAR with my own radar data. WRFDA is version 3.8.1.

RUN-TIME Problems:

1. When I set the following options to "true"

use_radar_rv = .true.
use_radar_rf = .true.

The run aborts with this error (although cloud_cv_option is set to 1 in my namelist.input, see attached files namelist.input and rsl.error ).

---------------------------- FATAL ERROR -----------------------
Fatal error in file: <A HREF=""></a> LINE: 216
Please set cloud_cv_options=1 for use_radar_rf
application called MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 1) - process 0

2. When I set the following options to "true" and "false"

use_radar_rv = .true.
use_radar_rf = .false.

The run is completed but after examining the output and the statistics, no data assimilation has been done (see attached files rsl.out and statistics ).

I have followed the steps described in the Tutorial presentation except for steps 2 and 4, thinking that this are not essential for a test run and can be tuned later) and I believe I have compiled WRFDA correctly by setting the mentioned environment variable (export CLOUD_CV=1) before running ./configure 4dvar.

My ob01.radar, ob02.radar etc. files are apparently without issues.

Also I am using the provided be.dat file in WRFDAV3/var/run/be.dat.cv3.

I would really appreciate any help on this...

Thank you in advance


  • namelist.input
    4.2 KB · Views: 94
  • rsl.error.0000.txt
    1.4 KB · Views: 83
  • rsl.out.0000.txt
    15 KB · Views: 93
  • statistics.txt
    11 KB · Views: 78

I see this:

Cloud control variables are not implemented for cv_options = 3

My guess is this is your problem.
Hi Kevin,

thank you very much for your reply, yes I guess I underestimated that Warning message, I 'll try to generate my domain
specific be.dat and see the result for the
use_radar_rv = .true.
use_radar_rf = .true.

Still I don't get why the
use_radar_rv = .true.
use_radar_rf = .false.
failed to run correctly which doesn't seem to depend on the cv_option = 3.

Thanks again
cloud_cv_options is reset to be 0 in var/da/da_main/ when cv_options = 3.
The second line of the warning message is not printed due to a bug in the code.
The intended warning message should look like this:
--------------------------- WARNING ---------------------------
Cloud control variables are not implemented for cv_options = 3
Resetting cloud_cv_options = 0 for cv_options = 3

In your rsl.out.0000.txt,
Observation summary
does not show observation counts.
Apparently the radar data are not read in properly.
You can set in namelist.input &wrfvar1 print_detail_radar=.true. to see if it gives you more information about reading your data.

The print should look like this if the radar data are read in successfully.
Observation summary
ob time 1
radar 20774 global, 7173 local
ob time 2
radar 24175 global, 7407 local
ob time 3
radar 12464 global, 5072 local
Thank you hclin2018,

I just saw your post, but yes I figured it out, it was a case of not reading the radar obs correctly, lat lon in the ob##.radar was written in reverse
by mistake and of course this meant that no obs where found inside my domain.
hclin2018 said:
cloud_cv_options is reset to be 0 in var/da/da_main/ when cv_options = 3.
The second line of the warning message is not printed due to a bug in the code.
The intended warning message should look like this:
--------------------------- WARNING ---------------------------
Cloud control variables are not implemented for cv_options = 3
Resetting cloud_cv_options = 0 for cv_options = 3

In your rsl.out.0000.txt,
Observation summary
does not show observation counts.
Apparently the radar data are not read in properly.
You can set in namelist.input &wrfvar1 print_detail_radar=.true. to see if it gives you more information about reading your data.

The print should look like this if the radar data are read in successfully.
Observation summary
ob time 1
radar 20774 global, 7173 local
ob time 2
radar 24175 global, 7407 local
ob time 3
radar 12464 global, 5072 local

Hi hclin2018, do you know the meaning of global and local ?
Global refers to the whole assimilation domain.
Local refers to the decomposed patch domain that each processor processes.