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Seeking info/contact on UPP code routine which computes flight level/wind energy fields on MSL and AGL levels


New member
I'm running an older version of the UPP V3.1.1 which has the capability to post-process SPE HUM, TMP, UGRD, VGRD, and other variables as flight level/wind energy fields on MSL and AGL levels. The routine is part of unipost and is briefly described/coded in the file "FDLVL.f". The UPP User's Guide for Version 3 discusses these fields in the "UPP Control File Overview" section. The field names are given in the "Fields produced by unipost" section. I'm interested in contacting a person who knows about this routine who might be able to answer questions about the code. Thanks.


  • upp_users_guide.pdf
    441.7 KB · Views: 1
Hi John,
Depending on the types of questions you have, I may be able to answer them. I can send you a direct message on here.