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I have a query regarding soil moisture & temperature from Noah, Noah-MP, CLM model coupled to WRF.
Since we know Noah and Noah-MP has 4 soil layers at 10cm, 30 cm, 60 cm and 100 cm, but CLM has 10 layers at 2, 3, 5, 8, 12, 20, 34, 55, 91, 150, 187.45 cm.
Suppose i want to compare surface soil moisture from three different land surface models. Then what layers i have to taken from each model layers and sum or mean what i have to compute?
Its very urgent please response.
In this case I would suggest that you interpolate soil T and soil moisture to the same layers for comparison. Also note that the interpolation will introduce some biases.

The code share/module_soil_pre.F is a good reference for you to learn how to do the interpolation.